flashback friday

today takes us back to may 2012…

i love this picture of matt, hc, and me! we are at the bellagio in vegas. well, we just booked our trip to vegas {a week or so ago} and it is making me excited! i love vegas. it’s such a fun place to visit for a weekend. it’s got everything for a fun time. everything is 27/7, there are soooo many great restaurants, and it’s seriously the best people watching evah! there’s something so relaxing about vegas for me. i don’t know if it’s the amazing hotels and service or the spas or the pools or the relaxed attitude of everyone? i love the room service, i love the environment, i love the craziness of it all. it’s so over the top and nutty and that is what makes it so enticing.

my favorite part of vegas are the pools. we love renting out the cabanas and being lazy all day long. you get a ‘private’ pool, personalized service, and a great tan! since only a few cabanas share a pool, we love chatting it up {and maybe getting a little tipsy} with the other cabana folks!

the last few years, we have been going with our dear friends matt and johann. matt’s wonderful sister, liz, lives there with her husband and two kids and we love visiting them every time. matt and johann are the best traveling buddies…they are laid back and flexible on what we do and want to do. ditto for us. we are pretty open when it comes to our schedule and what we will do…we are just happy to be there {with them}, anything is possible!

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anyhoo, i can’t wait until we go. it’s going to be a fabulous time no matter what. what trips do you have planned for this summer/fall? any favorite places you just love visiting? well, lovies…i hope y’all have a fantastic friday and weekend! muwah!


flashback friday

today takes us back to…september of 2012.

this pic isn’t that old but i do love it. i was scouring my photo album and fell upon this one and i love this pic of us! i can’t for the life of me remember what we were doing during the day…but i know that i was with my sisters {were we shopping all day?? dunnooooo} at old town social. i think hc and terry met us there, jeez…i need to take some ginkgo!

anyhoozle, we definitely had a great time there. it’s a really yummy place, they have great drinks and even better eats! i know that terry and hc love hanging out there. besides the few times i have been with my family, i have been here once before for a bachelorette party for my friend jodi. it was one of the four bars we went to that night!

i seriously look back at pictures of myself and feel older and older! ugh. i think to myself, now this was only a few years ago…why do i feel like i look soooooo old now {or maybe i am}?! wahhhhh. aging sucks! i should probably get over it and accept the fact of the matter but i feel like putting up a fight for as long as i can! i can honestly say that i do feel like i am 25…albeit a wise 25 year old! hahaha! slow it down mother nature, slow it down please!

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[hc’s eyes look awesome in this pic and my teeth are abnormally white for some reason!]

hey now, i might head on out to the store to buy some creams to slather my face with and hope that some product out there can work some miracles on my skin! well, not really since i am still nursing and i’m trying to do my best to not put all sorts of crazy chemicals in my body. eating hot doritos doesn’t count right?! haha just kidding, not really.

well, my lovies, i hope y’all have a fun friday and weekend! muwah!


flashback friday

today takes us back to…2010.

here we are at a dear friend’s wedding {pam & ryan!}. it was a lovely, warm day in may…a perfect day to get married! we are just outside the church, after their ceremony, and we already cheered the bride and groom when they came out for a sneak peek.

i love weddings. is it a bad or good thing that we really don’t go to weddings anymore?? or does that mean we are just getting older {we are an old married couple with old married friends? or does that mean that we don’t really have any single friends? or whatever. i love ’em. although, we do have a couple of weddings coming up this year…yippee! we can’t wait to celebrate our friend’s upcoming nuptials.

i love this pic of me and the hubs. he is seriously the best husband ever. he is sweet, loving, caring, patient, kind, funny, helpful, thoughtful, did i say loving? he is so many wonderful things, there are not enough words to describe him! he balances me out, he calms me down, he brings me back to reality, he reminds me that we are in this to win it! i knew life before him but i now cannot imagine life without him.

marriage is wonderful, a lot of work, compromise, full of love, arguments, patience, laughter, repetition, balance, respect…it has it’s up’s and down’s and always turns around for the better as long as you have two people who are committed and positive, having similar dispositions helps too. we definitely have our moments, but what couple out there doesn’t?? in the end, we absolutely love each other and only want the best for us and our family. true happiness comes from the simple things in life!

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ok…enough babbling. it is wedding season! i’m sure someone out there is heading to a wedding this weekend! enjoy and happy friday y’all!


flashback friday

today takes us back to 2013.

i am about 7 months preggo in this pic. ahhhh, i just remember being big, tired, and that belly being h e a v y. and i was only seven months pregnant! ha! that 3rd trimester was just starting! little did i know how heavy that belly was really going to get!

here we are at d.o.c wine bar, just having a girl’s night out. i definitely don’t get to see these girls enough and now it will be even less because miss marina is moving away! yes, she and the fam are heading to boston {jelly…i hear boston is fabulous!}. i think it’s pretty awesome that they are making such a huge transition, but of course these situations are always bittersweet. it’ll just be another fantastic reason to visit beautiful boston {we have never been, soooo….}!

i love these ladies! can you believe we have known each other for such a long time?! miss carol is our connection but i love that we have remained in touch since carol moved to seattle. every so often, we will get together {dinners, parties, pregnancies} and catch up on life’s happenings. i’m sad that this will no longer happen so easily! oh life, the loops and curve balls you always throw at us will always keep us on our toes!

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anyhoo, i hope you create some great memories with some dear friends this weekend. life is too short to not love the little things. life is too short to not revel in the simple, loving moments. life is too short to not tell someone that you love them.

simple phrases that are sometimes forgotten and sometimes hard to always follow. i hope that i succeed in living out the above phrases and i hope you do too! happy friday y’all!


flashback friday

today takes us back to…2013.

no, this isn’t from that long ago but a fabulous blast from the past {if i do say so myself}. this was taken at hc’s big birthday party that i threw him. it was at a bar in chicago, in wicker park…right down the street from us. a perfect walk home {a necessity if you’ve been drinking…but we don’t drink 😉 haha!}.

i had the best time planning this event. i wanted to incorporate everything ‘him’. i purchased fun balloons & tissue tassels. i made menus and favors {all candies from his birth year}. i had the bakery {from across the street…alliance bakery} make him a pabst blue ribbon beer cake! it was ah-maze. a very, very good time. you can check out the post here.

well, of course, we had invited friends and family to help us celebrate his big birthday! it was pretty awesome to have a big group of people join in on such a fun event. i was pretty grateful that so many people had made the trip into the city to celebrate {some peeps don’t live so close!}.

here is a pic of me and my sisters with our childhood friend, lan. i love this photo because it’s impromptu, it’s cute {um, we’re cute}, and we are genuinely happy! there is something special about this picture that makes me smile just by looking at it. it’s so crazy to think that we are sisters and yet soooooo different. whether it be by style, personality, humor, or looks. it’s pretty amazing that we all came from the same two parents but yet we are all so unique and quirky in our own way. it totally makes me think about nature vs. nurture…how it leads you down the path that you are on, to be who you are.

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[at hc’s big 4-0 birthday bash]

okay, enough deep thoughts…it was a grand ol’ time! we had the best time celebrating his big birthday with a fantastic party, with the most fabulous friends and family! muwah!


flashback friday

today takes us back to april 2011!

hc’s birthday is coming up this week! yikes! i can’t believe it. oh, snap…i need to get it together and plan a little something fun.

a couple of things on this upcoming birthday of his. one – it’s always on tax day. two – it’s the anniversary of when we bought our first home together. so, it’s a very, very special day all together! obvs, last year was a very, very low key birthday…we were closing on our home and pretty much spent the day signing our life away, at the bank, at the store, and at our new home {cleaning away!}!

this picture down below was at his parent’s house. we celebrated his birthday with just dick, jane, and grace. it was simple and sweet. we had dinner, cake, and then he opened gifts.

hc always get annoyed if i eat off his plate. it doesn’t matter what it is or how much i take, if i try to nab a bite, he’ll always try to stab me with his fork. hehehe. so, needless to say, i always try to take food off his plate. well, as you can tell…in this case, i am trying to steal a bite of his cake. hahaha. so, there he is, trying to stab me with his fork. i’m not threatened. i have, will, and still try to eat his food and like a good ol’ couple {we will probably doing this when we’re 80 years old}, he will continue to ‘try’ to stab me with whatever blunt or sharp object nearby. and so the cycle continues…

via tandeminlove.comwell, my lovies. it is friyay! hap hap happy FRIYAY!! woo hooooo! i’ve got a few very, very busy days ahead of me. we have a lot jam packed into the next couple of days and i’m soooo looking forward to it! yippee! have a lovely weekend y’all!


flashback friday

it’s good friday everyone!

romans 5:8 – but God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

it never gets old, hearing the story of how Christ died. the story of judas and his thirty pieces of silver…the kiss of death, the garden of gethsemane, peter denies Jesus three times…and so the story goes. it still and always will give me goosebumps and chills to recount how Jesus cried out “my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” and {mark 15:37} with a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last. i always shed tears when i listen to this. it’s just so powerful.

holy thursday, good friday, and the easter vigil are three very thought provoking days. it’s the end of our lenten season and easter day brings renewal and hope! easter always feels so bright, fun, and new. i love to dress up in fun florals or bright pieces to signal life and joy. i love to get together with our families for brunch, stories, and laughter.

here we are from 2010, at an easter brunch in the city. we gathered at bin 36 for a delicious brunch buffet. a little over one year before we were married! it’s so cray that there was no olive. my, how life has changed and how full our hearts are with her in our lives now! i loved our days before olive but she brings us such joy and love that we never knew! now, it’s just better overall.

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[check us out…somebody give me a blotter paper!]

anyhoo, i can’t believe easter is right around thhse corner?! gosh, lent really did fly by! well, i hope y’all have an amazing easter with your friends and/or family. eat well, have a mimosa or two, and dig into some delicious easter candy treats! i definitely will!

enjoy my lovies and happy easter to all!


flashback friday

today takes us back to…2013.

oh, what fun we had! seriously. i had never snowboarded before and i was soooo anxious about it. so many folks were scaring me with their stories. how hard it was to learn, it was difficult to catch on, getting off the lifts was not easy, etc. oy. i was neeeeervous!

no one, i mean no one saw me as a snowboarder or even scoffed at the idea that i would even try. and so the story goes…

we flew out to seattle to stay with my bestie carol and her family. we spent the night and then headed out to whistler the next morning. we road tripped it on up, it was pretty amaze to drive up there, once we were closer to whistler. the scenery became more vivid and gorgeous.

we had rented a house up there, it was beautiful and perfect. it had heated floors, lovely bathrooms, and it was super, duper cozy.  i was so stoked to be up there. it’s a whole ‘nother world. the shops were cute, there were so many nooks and crannies to visit, explore, and soak it. the area was visually stunning and i loved the laid back attitude of everyone.

now, onto the snowboard thing. it was pretty awesome. obvs, i took beginner’s lessons, but it was soooooo easy. i loved it. i was surprised by how much i loved it. i was shocked by how easy it came to me. yes, we hit up the kiddie slopes {natch} but going down the mountain was so sweet and fun. i got off lifts with ease, if i bailed – it was easy for me to get right back up. i seriously had the best time learning and snowboarding.

i absolutely love this pic of me and the hubs. he took time out to snowboard down with me a few times {he was hitting the bigger slopes with our gang}…it was fabulous to be able to share this with him!

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this vacation was definitely on the books as one of my favorites! oh, how i wish/want/need to go back! two years in a row…we have been halted by us having babies!! last year it was me and this year it was carol! ha!

anyhoo, my lovies, i hope y’all have a great, great weekend. i’ll be dreaming of my past fun holidays!


flashback friday

today takes us back to july 2011.

here we are at our friend’s, kim, wedding. it just seems like yesterday. no, really, it does. it was a warm summer day and i was super excited to attend kim’s wedding. we {as i have mentioned before} were engaged at almost the same time…me just several months before her. so, planning our wedding together was quite the bonding moment! we had the best times just chatting it up, comparing notes, reveling in the up’s and down’s of planning a wedding, and just totally having fun with it.

miss jodi actually got married before both of us. almost a year before me. so, obvs it was still really fresh for her, so we definitely had fun talking up a wedding storm all the time.

anyhoo, back to this pic. we had such a great time celebrating kim and mikey’s nuptials. we had fun, we were goofy, and we totally partied it up. it was great because we were sitting with a bunch of folks that we knew and of course, us folks didn’t hold back on our humor, wild stories, and drinks. of course, once the dancing started, we did our best to rock out the dance floor!

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[jodi and me]

i love this dress. it was a fantastic borrow from my beautiful sister, thuy. she always has the best articles of clothing. that is what is so great about having sisters {and two sisters who are pretty much the same size}, we can interchange your wardrobe…so it’s like having a huge closet! the brooch is mine, a vintage find from several years back.

the weather is suppose to be ah-maaaaaze this weekend. eeeeekkkkkk! i am waaayyyy too excited. oh, spring, come on over! we missed you. well, i hope y’all enjoy this weekend. happy friday lovies!


flashback friday

today takes us back to 2009.

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look at sweet baby bennett. how adorable is he?! he’s giving me the side eye and a smirk. toooo stinkin’ cute!

i can’t believe how big he is now and so sweet. he’s such a funny guy. when olive was born, he wasn’t too keen on her. he just wasn’t interested. a baby? it did nothing for him but now…miss olive can play and have fun, so they are good together. it was quite adorbs to see their journey together and how bennett has grown to love his little cousin. vice versa.

bennett is goofy, sweet, and clumsy. from the moment he was mobile, there was always something in his way. ya know that kid that always runs into something? the kid that always trips over something? the kid that always bangs his head on something? yuuuup, that is our darling little b. it’s so endearing and comical at the same time when i see him do something clumsy. i’m totally filled with love and laughter when he runs into something…is that weird?? whatevs, weird but true.

it’s been wonderful to see him grow and become such a good little boy. i am most excited at the fact that olive has the best cousins ever and that they will grow up together and hopefully be best buds. i always wonder what bennett will be like when he grows up but i am fiercely wishing that he won’t cause i love them cute, small, and innocent. i really do wish they would stay small and sweet.

 it’s amazing how babies can evoke such happiness in us all. the purity of a child is truly a blessing from God! well, my lovies. i hope you think back to a time when your little one or niece/nephew was this tiny and precious and it puts a smile on your face. happy friday y’all!
