today takes us back to may 2012…
i love this picture of matt, hc, and me! we are at the bellagio in vegas. well, we just booked our trip to vegas {a week or so ago} and it is making me excited! i love vegas. it’s such a fun place to visit for a weekend. it’s got everything for a fun time. everything is 27/7, there are soooo many great restaurants, and it’s seriously the best people watching evah! there’s something so relaxing about vegas for me. i don’t know if it’s the amazing hotels and service or the spas or the pools or the relaxed attitude of everyone? i love the room service, i love the environment, i love the craziness of it all. it’s so over the top and nutty and that is what makes it so enticing.
my favorite part of vegas are the pools. we love renting out the cabanas and being lazy all day long. you get a ‘private’ pool, personalized service, and a great tan! since only a few cabanas share a pool, we love chatting it up {and maybe getting a little tipsy} with the other cabana folks!
the last few years, we have been going with our dear friends matt and johann. matt’s wonderful sister, liz, lives there with her husband and two kids and we love visiting them every time. matt and johann are the best traveling buddies…they are laid back and flexible on what we do and want to do. ditto for us. we are pretty open when it comes to our schedule and what we will do…we are just happy to be there {with them}, anything is possible!
anyhoo, i can’t wait until we go. it’s going to be a fabulous time no matter what. what trips do you have planned for this summer/fall? any favorite places you just love visiting? well, lovies…i hope y’all have a fantastic friday and weekend! muwah!