i was super excited to have experienced cubs family day at wrigley field! it’s for season ticket holders and aunt wendy so kindly invited us! it was a perfect day weather wise, sunny and in the mid-seventies.
of course, we got on the road late {i gotta get my coffee!}, it’s like olive knows we are on a time crunch and she always, always wants to be in my arms or cries for me. i am always the last one getting ready because i am catering to her needs and putting myself last in the get ready department!
anyhoozle, we arrived not too late and met up with aunt wendy, her friend kyle, and his girlfriend taylor at the cubbie bear. we walked on over and inside to wrigleyfied; the peeps at the field were doing introductions and letting us know about the timelines and what was available for us for their family day event.
[introductions to the season ticket holders]
our first thing on the agenda was the clubhouse. we had the chance to see where the players get ready and come out onto the field. it was great to see where they chill and pretty awesome to get a chance to sit in their dugout as well! of course, we snapped a bazillion pics. everyone had to get their fair share!
[the clubhouse]
[‘locker’ room]
[fam jam]
[super fam jam]
[go cubbies!]
[in the dugout]
after we made our way throughout the clubhouse and dugout, i wanted to walk around the field and get some pics of the infamous ivy! also, along the entire back field wall, they had bouncy houses galore! it’s too bad olive is too little for them…there were so many big kids that she would have been trampled so many times. i had no idea how the bouncy thing worked so i placed olive inside the first one i saw. weeellllllll, it was actually the ‘finish’ line and these big boys were starting to come through! i screamed, “watch out, there’s a little girl!!!” but they didn’t hear me. poor olive fell over and started freaking out because she couldn’t get her balance to get back up. i jumped inside the bouncy and literally bounced everywhere trying to grab my child. it was hilarious! i rolled all over the place and my legs flung in the air as i desperately tried grabbing for olive to get her out! hahahahaha! i made it…my baby girl was out safe and sound.
[the ivy!]
[right before she is about to be trampled by the big kids!]
[mom to the rescue!]
we walked around the whole field and went though the visitor’s dugout and up and around to the jack daniel’s eating area. we grabbed our boxed lunches and sat up on the seats overlooking the field. we had the typical hot dog and chips meal, of course olive gravitated towards the chips and lemonade!
after we ate, we walked over to the media booths above the field where they broadcast the game and were the organist plays. we sat in the seats and chilled for a bit before we headed back downstairs to the souvenir shop.
it was a fast 2 1/2 hours! there was so much to do too! they had all the bouncy houses, tattoo artists, face painting, games, and so much more. we only did half the stuff they offered {hey, there is always next year!}.
[jack daniels patio]
[sipping her lemonade or really she stole daddy’s lemonade]
[goof ball sitting in the media area]
we perused the souvenir shop as our last stop and after that we said our goodbyes. it was a great day spent together and we were so excited to have experienced cubs family day. it was definitely a day to remember.