miranda kerr.
i just love her. i just love her style. she is one of my favorite models. besides, candice swanepoel…another sassy gal. i have yet to meet miranda. i get to meet a majority of the models but not yet miranda! obviously, they are extremely tall {and tend to wear 5 inch heels, making most of them 6’3″ tall!}, extremely skinny, not busty {hello padding!}, and gorgeous in person {duh!}.
miranda makes my list because she’s got style. she makes it look so effortless to look so fabulous. i love following her approach and getting inspired by her choices. she loves to mix and match. she makes sneakers look chic. she makes mixing patterns look easy for the most pulled together outfit for an afternoon stroll. she’s never over accessorized but is thoughtful in the choices she puts on. she makes herself standout and fashionable by choosing fabrics and patterns to make her accoutrements pop.
i think the best accessory she carries is that cutie pie son of hers! those chubby cheeks of his! so adorbs!
[photos popsugar.com]
doesn’t she always look marvelous?!