today takes us back to july 2011.
here we are at our friend’s, kim, wedding. it just seems like yesterday. no, really, it does. it was a warm summer day and i was super excited to attend kim’s wedding. we {as i have mentioned before} were engaged at almost the same time…me just several months before her. so, planning our wedding together was quite the bonding moment! we had the best times just chatting it up, comparing notes, reveling in the up’s and down’s of planning a wedding, and just totally having fun with it.
miss jodi actually got married before both of us. almost a year before me. so, obvs it was still really fresh for her, so we definitely had fun talking up a wedding storm all the time.
anyhoo, back to this pic. we had such a great time celebrating kim and mikey’s nuptials. we had fun, we were goofy, and we totally partied it up. it was great because we were sitting with a bunch of folks that we knew and of course, us folks didn’t hold back on our humor, wild stories, and drinks. of course, once the dancing started, we did our best to rock out the dance floor!
[jodi and me]
i love this dress. it was a fantastic borrow from my beautiful sister, thuy. she always has the best articles of clothing. that is what is so great about having sisters {and two sisters who are pretty much the same size}, we can interchange your wardrobe…so it’s like having a huge closet! the brooch is mine, a vintage find from several years back.
the weather is suppose to be ah-maaaaaze this weekend. eeeeekkkkkk! i am waaayyyy too excited. oh, spring, come on over! we missed you. well, i hope y’all enjoy this weekend. happy friday lovies!