bump status

timeline of the bump.

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[photo by hc]

how far along?  30 weeks {this pic was just a tad delayed, a bit over that mark}!  the baby weighs about 3lbs. and is practicing her breathing!

weight gain:  25lbs.  a one pound weight gain since my last appointment.  i was a bit scared of that scale!  this pregger lady’s anxiety!

maternity clothes?  a mix.  i love my work maternity pants.  i bought two cute maternity dresses.  otherwise, it is a blend of regular clothes and maternity pants.  i still rock the kiddie leggings of mine, an essential piece in my wardrobe!

sleep:  i figured out that if i sleep a little later in the night, i’m more apt to sleep through the night.  phew.  it’s helped a lot.  I sleep straight through and it feels so great!

physical state:  well, i am borderline anemic.  some of the effects are sleepless nights, clumsiness {oh yeah…i’ve been dropping stuff like it’s a contest i have to win}, & feeling tired.

miss anything?  sushi.  wine.  coffee.

baby movement:  oh, she’s a kicker!  she is getting stronger by the day.  she swirls, kicks across my stomach, smushes herself into a ball on one side of my belly {the pressure is a bit uncomfortable}.  she dances after i eat.  and now she hiccups.  at first i wasn’t sure what it was but then i realized since she ‘practices’ her breathing, it causes her to hiccup.

food cravings: hmmm, not really craving anything specific.  i’m eating regularly.  i snack a lot, i love mott’s fruit snacks, luna bars, & nutrigrain bars.

bump status:  big tummy!  feeling fussy and round.  although the belly feels way out there, peeps have been so kind in their compliments.  a pregnant lady makes everyone around her so super friendly!

gender reveal:  it’s a girl!!  it’s been really fun lately!  i’m really enjoying the cute little outfits, decorating her room {hopefully i will post a sneak peek soon!}, and getting to know her better and better becoming a little lady in my tummy.

bump status

timeline of the bump.


[photo by hc]

how far along?  28 weeks!  i can’t believe we only have 12 weeks to go {yikes}!  the baby weighs over two pounds & can open and close her eyes.

weight gain:  24lbs…whoa nelly!  i was shocked.  the nurse was shocked.  the baby was shocked i had gained so much weight!  i’m in awe.  this is the most weight i have gained in a four week period!!!!  my diet hasn’t changed much {i’m actually eating what i normally ate before i was pregnant and i’m still very active // i’m going to blame all the popsmart popcorn i’ve been eating} but this body is doing it’s thing!  c’est la vie!

maternity clothes?  still just rocking the maternity work pants.  although, we have a party coming up and i did buy myself my first maternity dress!  i’m quite excited!

sleep:  oooohhhhh, sleep.  i miss you already.  i tend to sleep for 4 hours, then wake up and never go back to sleep.  ugh.  so i’ll typically wake up around 2:30-3 am and i’ll have trouble falling back to sleep.  i’m lucky if i do get myself back to sleep.  i get sooo tired.  yucky.

physical state:  i’m feeling great overall.  in the last week and a half, i’m starting to feel the tummy weight gain on my whole body.  my lower back hurts a bit.  i’m actually starting to slow down!  walking is becoming very slow {at least in my book, i’m becoming slow!}.  i’m getting tired walking the normal distances i typically did before i was pregnant.  now i get a bit more exhausted and my legs start to hurt. and to think this is the beginning of the third trimester!!  i can still bend, but getting in and out of the car and bed has been more challenging physically!

miss anything?  sushi, bagel and lox, wine.

baby movement:  strong movements!  she likes to punch and kick now!  i feel it all over my belly.  she still likes her head to my right and kicks to my left, and she typically stays there all day.

food cravings:  fruit & salad.  i’ve honestly lost a bit of my appetite.  nothing appeals to me {this statement is the opposite of my weight gain!}.  i eat just because i should.  not as fun as it should be!

bump status:  feeling huge.  my profile is so big!  it’s been nice to hear everyone say how ‘small’ i look!  looks are deceiving!  this belly is getting BIG!

gender reveal:  it’s a girl!!  i’m really excited to have this baby girl!  it’s such a sweet idea!  i’m most excited to decorate her room!  i love decorating, so it’s been so fun thinking about all the cute ideas!

bump status

timeline of the bump.

via tandeminlove.com

[photo by hc]

how far along?   26 weeks!  baby has finger prints and foot prints!

weight gain:  16+ lbs. 7 month check up coming soon!

maternity clothes?  just the work pants for now but i am eyeing some dresses for a few upcoming occasions!  but let me tell you!  those work pants are heaven!  they are so comfortable, i love them!

sleep:  same situation.  there have been a few rough nights but i’ve allowed it because hubby charming was home and i didn’t want to miss my time with him!  so i stayed up a bit too late on too many nights!  the problem with that was…i would wake up at my normal time in the morning…oy, so exhausted!  so, very little sleep it was.

physical state:  pretty good.  i feel great!  can’t complain.  no major ailments which is a good thing.  although the belly button drives me a bit crazy.  it’s still in a state of confusion.

miss anything?  really missing sushi & shrimp.  and a hotdog.

baby movement:  she’s a kicker!  there are days she is so active and days she is barely there with her movements.  she loves to stay in one position and totally favors laying towards my right side with her feet on my left side.  she is randomly active throughout the day…no pattern but she doesn’t bother me at night!  good girl!

food cravings:  salads.  berries.  crispy chicken.  not in any particular order!

bump status:  getting big!  on certain days the belly seems high, some days it sticks out a lot, some days it feels like a big basketball in my tummy {literally}!

gender reveal:  baby girl!  i’m getting excited!  a sweet little girl.  buuttttt, i’m so not into an excessive amount of pink.  i mean, i like pink but i’m not a fan of baby girls bursting with crazy pink, hot pink, bright pink all over their little bodies {i have to say there are some stinkin’ cute outfits out there in the softest pinks}!  je prefere color me neutral.

lunch date

i was way excited to meet up with jod!  it’s still makes me sad that we don’t work together anymore.  tres triste.

we had such a great time, all these years, working together.  and she had to go off and get her own store.  humph!

so, we try our best to squeeze in time to meet up and catch up and laugh it up.  our lunch date was at the little goat {holy busy place}.  i snagged a parking spot and cruised inside to a 30 minute wait {oy}.  jod was on her way, so i settled myself into a little corner nook outside the restaurant waiting for her {gotta take advantage of the beautiful weather!}.

she finally arrived and we were deep in our conversation when my phone alerted me that our table was ready.  yes!  i was hungry!  we were seated and perused the menu.  i had such a hard time deciding {so confused}!  kimchi pancakes, biscuits and gravy, or grilled cheese??  yeah, no correlation what so ever but hey, a girl is preggers!

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[my current obsession]

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[kimchi pancakes]

a virgin bloody mary and kimchi pancakes on order, we dove back into our non-stop chatter.  we talked about babies, work, life, and love, just a few of our favorite things!

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[just bump it // my then 24 week state]

afterwards, we talked and walked to my car {how romantic!} but not until after we snapped a photo of me.  jod insisted on a pic to show peeps my pregger state {such as her wonderful mom ann & former co-wokers i don’t get to see anymore}!  we lingered a bit longer, sometimes we can just go on and on!  finally we said our goodbyes and parted ways.  it was so great to see her!  until next time!


bump status

timeline of the bump.


[photo by hc]

how far along?  24 weeks {well, a little over}!  she can now sense if she is upside down or right side up {don’t get motion sickness little one}!

weight gain:  16 lbs. a two pound weight gain!  i was surprised!  i feel like i’ve gained at least five!

maternity clothes?  yup!!  i broke down!  my work pants were screaming for help!  the button said “please stop abusing me!”.  hehehe.  so, i finally hauled my ever growing behind to a maternity store to buy me some pants.  after trying on a dozen pants {they run so big!}, i found the perfect pair!  i was super excited to have finally have found some pants {that almost fit} for me.  so there you have it, i bought my first article of maternity clothing!

sleep:  it’s alright.  there are some nights that are uncomfortable and it’s not because of the belly.  well, yes and no.  i’m sure my belly is related to my discomfort but it’s not the belly itself.  i get a weird nausea sometimes in the middle of the night, a feeling like someone has punched me in my tummy.  yeah.  odd but true, cause it’s causing me to wake up and not sleep!  boo!

physical state:  i had a rough week {digestion issues, arm pain, and borderline blackouts} but overall, it’s been great!  although i’m creeping up on my third trimester, my second tri has been a breeze!

miss anything?  beer, bloody mary’s, mussels, sushi.  nom, nom, nom.

baby movement:  my belly shakes now.  if it trembles now, i can’t imagine what it will be like two months from now {yikes}!  i see her push her feet into my side and my belly goes up and down, up and down.  she rolls all over the place in there and kicks!  she’s most active after i eat!

food cravings:  grilled cheese and tomato soup {tasty}.  cheddar cheese sticks.  coconut cake {yum}.

bump status:  bigger and bigger!  i see that belly button stretching out!  is it an innie or is it an outie??  it can’t make up it’s mind!  i actually feel the weight shift in my stance.  and a little wee bit of a waddle due to the growing belly.  everything is growing…ugh!

gender reveal:  baby girl!  how sweet it is.  we are so excited for her!


we recently went to vegas for our babymoon!  normally we do not go to vegas in the middle of summer but that is what matt wanted!  we prefer may or september, i mean it is still hot but not as hot as it is in july!

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[waiting for our flight out of ord]

we headed to the airport, early, to fly out so we could have a full day of vegas when we arrived.  we were met by my brother and his girlfriend, tashina, at the vegas airport.  we traipsed our way to aloha, an eatery that was super yummy!  a restaurant that definitely served way, way too much food!  i ordered the kalua pig and cabbage, it was so good but i could barely consume the amount that was served!  i pretty much ate a lot of rice and cabbage with a sprinkling of pork!  that was all the ever shrinking tummy of mine could manage {these days, the tummy is feeling a bit more pressure}.

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[my delicious meal at aloha!]

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[my $6 lemonade at the eiffel tower restaurant]

afterwards, huy + tashina dropped us off at our hotel, vdara {love}.  huy + tashina stayed at a cute hotel boutique called rumor, just down the road from our hotel!  we checked in, settled in, and made our way to the pool {first things first!}.  huy + tashina met us at the pool and then eventually matt + johann!  they flew in later that afternoon and met us around 4:30ish.  we all hung out for a bit at the pool and then headed back to our rooms to get ready for dinner.

our first night of excess was at the paris hotel.  we ate at the eiffel tower.  we had such a funny experience there.  the ambiance, the dress code, & the service was interesting to say the least.  the best thing about our meal was our jealousy over tashina + huy’s seafood tower of deliciousness!

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[me and tashina before dinner!]

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[huy + tashina’s awesome seafood tower]

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[our ‘professional’ picture at the restaurant]

once we were done with dinner, we headed over to the cosmopolitan’s chandelier bar for a night cap.  we pit stopped at the sugar factory, a 24hour candy store, on our way to the bar.  apparently huy + tashina pit stopped at a few gambling spots on their way!

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[some of the amaze chandeliers inside the bar]

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[matt + johann]

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the next day, we rented out a cabana at the pool to spend our day relaxing and soaking up the sun.  it’s always such a good time when we rent a cabana, the service is amaze, food at your fingertips, drinks constantly flowing, and the private pool!  a lovely pool just for the cabana folks!  who wouldn’t love it?!

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[my 22 week baby bump!]

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[relaxing at our private pool // nice look huy!]

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[love the guy in the background!]

after a whole day of sunning and relaxing, we got ready and headed out to dinner with matt’s sister, liz, her husband, josh, and their daughter, stella.  josh picked us up & we met liz & stella out by where they live, henderson-ville.  we ate at a tapas restaurant out by them and after dinner, we headed back to their house for another night cap.  well, the boys had scotch {glenlevit 18 years old} and cigars {out on the patio}, while i hung out on the couch with matt & his sister!  it was a really, really nice evening.  we totally enjoyed our time with them.  they are such a fun bunch and so welcoming!

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[scotch, cigars, + great friends]

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[hanging out at liz + josh’s]

the next day, we duplicated our all day outing at the pool but we went out for lunch instead {we typically order lunch at the cabana}.  we met liz at the todd english pub for a quick bite before we headed back to our cabana.  it was wonderful to meet up with liz one last time before our vacation ended!

our evening meal was at the bacchanal buffet at caesars hotel.  the interior was very cool and the food was delicious {although buffets aren’t the best deal for a preggo lady}!  i especially loved the asian buffet & dessert buffet {so yummy}!  we then met matt + johann’s friend, allen {in for a conference}, at the chandelier bar back at cosmo for our final night cap of the trip.

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[bacchanal buffet]

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[the beginning of the end]

the next day, we went to breakfast at the peppermill {the best and cheesiest joint in town!}.  last year we started our trip at the peppermill and this year, we ended our trip at the restaurant!  they have fake neon lights, a lounge area with a fire pit in the middle of it, and there’s photographer that walks around to take your picture as a souvenir!  ha!  love it.  after breakfast, we walked the whole strip!  we started at the encore and made our way all the way back to our hotel, in time to leave for the airport.  we did all sorts of shopping along the way.  it was a perfect way to end our vacation.  we were able to experience all the cheesiness of the strip on our last day there.  that’s a part of vegas you gotta soak in!

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[the way to start your day, breakfast and a drink!]

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[the fire pit in the lounge]

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[the fake trees & ‘neon’ light interior]

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[our cheesy souvenir // we love it!]

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[my delicious virgin bloody mary // it was so good!!!!]

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[the eclipsing of my feet]

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[macarons from jean philippe // they were a bit crushed during the transport]

there you go, our babymoon!  it was a fun, relaxing time with my hubby charming, the baby bump, and friends!


gender reveal party

what an amazing day!

we had our gender reveal party on sunday, and it was such a fun time!  behold, there will be a lot of pictures!  i had such fun concocting all the details {thanks kim for being our photographer for the day!}!  a huge thanks to my sister kim for diy-ing all the vases and arranging all the beautiful flowers!!!  a big thanks to my parents for letting me host it at their house!

the morning started out with a trip to corner bakery, we had the food catered by them, so we swung by to pick the goodies.  we arrived at my parent’s house and the decorating began!  grace was such great help {hc charming was a mission created by me and my p’s to get additional supplies}, she wiped down the chairs, helped me decorate, and set everything up with me!

at noon, the lovely guests started to arrive!  one by one, we greeted in glee and the party began!  we sipped our drinks and socialized for our start of the party.  we finally prepped the food, and enjoyed our meal outside.  thank goodness it wasn’t soooo hot.  it was hot but not as hot as it has been for the past few weeks.  i was so thankful for the temperature being at the tail end of the heat wave!

after the food, the kids got to hit a baby carriage piñata!  who doesn’t like a piñata at a party?!

after noshing on our meals, kim and i prepared the desserts.  it looked quite adorable!  after, we set up the table and i announced to everyone if they wanted to know the gender of the baby?!  of course they said yes!  i told them that they could find the answer in the cupcakes {from magnolia bakery}!  they were so excited!  everyone got up to grab their cupcakes!  once each person had their little treasure, everyone broke open their cupcakes at the same time!

there it was!  pink frosting signifying a baby girl!!!!!!  it was so much fun!

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[handmade jars filled with candy by me + hc]

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[the start of the table setting]

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[sprinkled with confetti dots]

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[gender pins]

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[beautiful arrangements by kim!]

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[flowers, confetti, and candy jars]

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[party tassels]

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[famille – grace and i color co-ordinated our outfits to represent both genders!]

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[themed party utensils]

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[pink and blue plates]

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[dana darling with her pink bow pin for her girl vote]

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[lan, avery, and thuy]

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[the boys + thuy]

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[mes seours]

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[jane + aunt wendy wearing themed party shoes]

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[b + terry]

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[jane + grace]

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[drinking straws]

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[noshing on our pink and blue plates]

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[super yummy lemonade]

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[magnolia bakery cupcakes]

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[tower of goodies // he she bars and pink and blue rock candy!]

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[piñata time]

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[swinging at the baby carriage]

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[classic pose]

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[swaying towards the boy vote!]

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[cupcake time!]

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[it’s pink!!!  it’s a girl!]

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[pink filling]

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[beautiful dana]

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[pink!  it’s a girl!]

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[a wonderful gift from aunt wendy!]

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[avery helping me open gifts // from her parents]

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[lol…all the kids helping me open gifts!  so cute!]

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[adorbs chevron blanket from lori, jay, aj, + jake]

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[what a wonderful party!  thank you to everyone for celebrating with us!!!]

we truly had such a great time!  what a wonderful way to spend time with our families and such a fun way to let everyone know what gender baby heintz is!!!



bump status

timeline of the bump.

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[photo by hc]

how far along?  22 weeks!  the baby is the size of a papaya!  she is about 1lb. and can taste and touch!

weight gain:  14 lbs. + {2 weeks until our next check up}.

maternity clothes?  not yet.  just longer shirts, leggings, and dresses!  i need to get a move on to find some new work pants {so super lazy about that}.  i’m about dunzo with the current work pants!  i’m surprised i made it past 5 but the 6 month mark will be absurd.

sleep:  meh.  some days are good, some days are bad.  it’s not even me getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, i just sometimes wake up and have a hard time falling asleep.  my belly hasn’t bothered me yet in making me uncomfortable in any sleeping position but i just pop awake for no reason!

physical state: feeling good!  best time yet.  it’s been a breeze during this second trimester.  i still go to bed early, or at least try to…sometimes there’s just so much to do!

miss anything?  a hot dog and a beer.

baby movement:  the kicks have gotten much more prominent in strength!  she has a tendency to completely stop when hc puts his hand on my belly {much to his dismay}!  she was kicking around when he did read her a bedtime story, ‘i’ll love you forever’, a gift from jane!

food cravings:  hot dogs, beer, seafood.  i still crave salads and fruits.  i still love, love spicy food but baby girl tosses around when i do eat that stuff!

bump status:  bump feels bigger!  i feel bigger!  the belly button is driving me crazy.  it’s a half innie and half outie!  what?!  make up your mind!

gender reveal:  it’s a girl!!!!!!!  yay!  we waited this long to tell everyone because we threw a gender reveal party!  i can’t wait to post it for y’all!  it was so much fun!

happy baby shower kim!

happy baby shower kim!

we celebrated the soon to be addition to the haus family!  it was a sunny, lovely day to have a shower!

it was a football/sports theme hosted at ditka’s.  there were cute little decorations all around!  the cake was phenomenal and absolutely delicious {commissioned by her sister sarah}!!  after we lunched on delectable dishes, we were ready for the opening of baby gifts!

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[the mommies to be! 8 month + 5 month bumps!]

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[how adorbs is the cake?!]

via tandeminlove.com[my purty wrapped gifts!]

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[cake pops & centerpieces]

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[the goods! and the cute onesie bunting]

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[sarah + kt]

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[me + kt]

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[such delicious desserts!!!]

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[part of my gift to kim]

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[our favorite!  it says brady with the number ’13 on the jersey to rep his birth year!]

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[mikey helping out!  kim’s holding a cute football bib!]

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[kim + kt]

what a great way to spend a sunday!  the shower was lovely, the gifts were so cute, and it was so good to see everyone and catch up on this wonderful occasion!


bump status

timeline of the bump.

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[photo by hc]

how far along?  20 weeks!  we’ve made it this far!  the baby should be about 6 inches long and weighs about 9 oz.!

weight gain:  14 lbs.  not so bad.  a 3 lbs. weight gain…i was expecting another five!  it’s a little nerve-wracking to get up on that scale!

maternity clothes?  nope.  dresses are my best friend this summer!  plus, my leggings are my other staple.  i made it to the 5 month mark with the work pants but again, i’m pushing the limit or i should say the button…because i think the button is about to pop off my pants!

sleep:  good sleep is sporadic.  there are days where i can sleep a full night but of late, i have had a lot of restless nights.  my body is physically tired but my mind can’t fall asleep.  i go to bed at 10 pm or 10:30 pm because i feel very tired but my thoughts won’t shut down!  grrrr!

physical state:  overall, i’m feeling good.  not very exhausted but at the end of a very long day, those tootsies can feel tired!  skin is better, headaches have tapered off, and energy levels are great.  i just need to get a good night’s rest!

miss anything?  i’ve been drinking more decaf with hc being home but it’s not the same :p  i’m really wanting all kinds of sushi and a nice deli sandwich!

baby movement:  the baby’s kicks and movements have gotten stronger!  they were faint pops before but now it’s a little more of a punch!  hc felt the baby move for the first time last week!  yay!  i only felt the baby move before if i was laying down but now, while i am up and about, i feel the baby’s movements!

food cravings:  it’s become a little bit more well rounded.  i’m eating a little bit of everything and craving something more sweet of late.  i am starting to feel full quicker, which is concerning…especially if your brain is telling you that you are still hungry!

bump status:  bump feels the same, althoughhhhhhh…my belly button is acting conspicuous!  it’s trying to be something it’s not…an outie!!!  eeekkkkk!  the belly button started to flatten out a couple of weeks ago but now it’s trying to disguise itself.

gender reveal:  hmmmmmm.  boy or girl?  i still get the girl votes from most people.  apparently, my friends think they are physic!  they have these premonitions on the baby being a girl!  only a gender reveal party will tell!