timeline of the bump.
[photo by hc]
how far along? 22 weeks! the baby is the size of a papaya! she is about 1lb. and can taste and touch!
weight gain: 14 lbs. + {2 weeks until our next check up}.
maternity clothes? not yet. just longer shirts, leggings, and dresses! i need to get a move on to find some new work pants {so super lazy about that}. i’m about dunzo with the current work pants! i’m surprised i made it past 5 but the 6 month mark will be absurd.
sleep: meh. some days are good, some days are bad. it’s not even me getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, i just sometimes wake up and have a hard time falling asleep. my belly hasn’t bothered me yet in making me uncomfortable in any sleeping position but i just pop awake for no reason!
physical state: feeling good! best time yet. it’s been a breeze during this second trimester. i still go to bed early, or at least try to…sometimes there’s just so much to do!
miss anything? a hot dog and a beer.
baby movement: the kicks have gotten much more prominent in strength! she has a tendency to completely stop when hc puts his hand on my belly {much to his dismay}! she was kicking around when he did read her a bedtime story, ‘i’ll love you forever’, a gift from jane!
food cravings: hot dogs, beer, seafood. i still crave salads and fruits. i still love, love spicy food but baby girl tosses around when i do eat that stuff!
bump status: bump feels bigger! i feel bigger! the belly button is driving me crazy. it’s a half innie and half outie! what?! make up your mind!
gender reveal: it’s a girl!!!!!!! yay! we waited this long to tell everyone because we threw a gender reveal party! i can’t wait to post it for y’all! it was so much fun!
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