timeline of the bump.
[photo by hc]
how far along? 20 weeks! we’ve made it this far! the baby should be about 6 inches long and weighs about 9 oz.!
weight gain: 14 lbs. not so bad. a 3 lbs. weight gain…i was expecting another five! it’s a little nerve-wracking to get up on that scale!
maternity clothes? nope. dresses are my best friend this summer! plus, my leggings are my other staple. i made it to the 5 month mark with the work pants but again, i’m pushing the limit or i should say the button…because i think the button is about to pop off my pants!
sleep: good sleep is sporadic. there are days where i can sleep a full night but of late, i have had a lot of restless nights. my body is physically tired but my mind can’t fall asleep. i go to bed at 10 pm or 10:30 pm because i feel very tired but my thoughts won’t shut down! grrrr!
physical state: overall, i’m feeling good. not very exhausted but at the end of a very long day, those tootsies can feel tired! skin is better, headaches have tapered off, and energy levels are great. i just need to get a good night’s rest!
miss anything? i’ve been drinking more decaf with hc being home but it’s not the same :p i’m really wanting all kinds of sushi and a nice deli sandwich!
baby movement: the baby’s kicks and movements have gotten stronger! they were faint pops before but now it’s a little more of a punch! hc felt the baby move for the first time last week! yay! i only felt the baby move before if i was laying down but now, while i am up and about, i feel the baby’s movements!
food cravings: it’s become a little bit more well rounded. i’m eating a little bit of everything and craving something more sweet of late. i am starting to feel full quicker, which is concerning…especially if your brain is telling you that you are still hungry!
bump status: bump feels the same, althoughhhhhhh…my belly button is acting conspicuous! it’s trying to be something it’s not…an outie!!! eeekkkkk! the belly button started to flatten out a couple of weeks ago but now it’s trying to disguise itself.
gender reveal: hmmmmmm. boy or girl? i still get the girl votes from most people. apparently, my friends think they are physic! they have these premonitions on the baby being a girl! only a gender reveal party will tell!