bump status

timeline of the bump.


[photo by hc]

how far along?  24 weeks {well, a little over}!  she can now sense if she is upside down or right side up {don’t get motion sickness little one}!

weight gain:  16 lbs. a two pound weight gain!  i was surprised!  i feel like i’ve gained at least five!

maternity clothes?  yup!!  i broke down!  my work pants were screaming for help!  the button said “please stop abusing me!”.  hehehe.  so, i finally hauled my ever growing behind to a maternity store to buy me some pants.  after trying on a dozen pants {they run so big!}, i found the perfect pair!  i was super excited to have finally have found some pants {that almost fit} for me.  so there you have it, i bought my first article of maternity clothing!

sleep:  it’s alright.  there are some nights that are uncomfortable and it’s not because of the belly.  well, yes and no.  i’m sure my belly is related to my discomfort but it’s not the belly itself.  i get a weird nausea sometimes in the middle of the night, a feeling like someone has punched me in my tummy.  yeah.  odd but true, cause it’s causing me to wake up and not sleep!  boo!

physical state:  i had a rough week {digestion issues, arm pain, and borderline blackouts} but overall, it’s been great!  although i’m creeping up on my third trimester, my second tri has been a breeze!

miss anything?  beer, bloody mary’s, mussels, sushi.  nom, nom, nom.

baby movement:  my belly shakes now.  if it trembles now, i can’t imagine what it will be like two months from now {yikes}!  i see her push her feet into my side and my belly goes up and down, up and down.  she rolls all over the place in there and kicks!  she’s most active after i eat!

food cravings:  grilled cheese and tomato soup {tasty}.  cheddar cheese sticks.  coconut cake {yum}.

bump status:  bigger and bigger!  i see that belly button stretching out!  is it an innie or is it an outie??  it can’t make up it’s mind!  i actually feel the weight shift in my stance.  and a little wee bit of a waddle due to the growing belly.  everything is growing…ugh!

gender reveal:  baby girl!  how sweet it is.  we are so excited for her!

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