bump update

here we goooooooo!

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[photo by huy doan @huyfoto]

how far along? 12 weeks!

weight gain: 10lbs. i think everybody and their mama has heard me gripe about my weight gain. at my eight week appointment, i weighed in 4lbs heavier than i did with olive. uh oh…i am on track to gain 50lbs at this point. bleh! my official weigh in happens later this week and i think i might be crossing the 9lb mark {at least}. eep!

maternity clothes? i am about to cross that border. they weren’t kidding around when they said that being preggers the second time around, everything is bigger. uh huh. everything in my wardrobe is about to pop off my body. i am about to graduate into maternity clothes real soon. i guess wearing my regular work pants at 5+ months prego {the first time} is NOT going to happen this time around. haha!

sleep: sleep sucks. it does. the first pregnancy, i didn’t have a toddler to wake me up, keep me up, or zap alllllll my energy. ever since i have been pregnant, i have had sleep insomnia. it’s very sporadic. it doesn’t happen every night but a few times a week where i will wake up at 4am and can’t fall back asleep until about 6am. ugh. it’s the weirdest combo…i am extremely exhausted {like extremely} but i can’t go to bed early like i did with the first pregnancy. plus, the past several weeks, olive has regressed in her sleep patterns {just a few nights so far}. unfortunately it seems to be on the nights where i can actually fall asleep but then i wake up in the middle of the night to take care of her.

physical state: bloated, tired, exhausted are my new favorite words. i am hungry hungry hungry. not so much hangry but desperately hungry. i think about how big and tired i already feel, what the hell? what will i feel like in 6 months?! holy crap, i am scared.

miss anything? sushi. sushi. sushi. wine, seafood, deli meat…although technically i can nuke the crap out of it {until it’s sterile} and then eat it but who wants to do that?! the dr.’s also recommend that i don’t eat hot dogs and bacon…whaaaaaa?! i have to sneak in bites of the bacon. mmmmmm.

baby movement: none yet…i can’t wait!

food cravings: everything. seriously. i can’t even pack a lunch because i have no idea what i will want to eat in the moment. with olive i loooooooved fruit. everything fruity. i still crave, like, and eat it but with this pregnancy i am all about the savory {insert the weight gain}. i love eating flavorful, full meals.

bump status: uuuhhhhhh, is the bump suppose to look like i am 5 months pregnant? cause i look that way. holy belly. it’s sooooo big already.

gender reveal: soon! let me know what you think! boy, girl? my gut said girl and maybe it’s because i want to have another baby girl but then my feelings changed and now i am utterly confused.


happy twenty-two months!

oh baby olive. she is officially twenty-two months old. oh my goodness, that means she is almost two years old!!! whaaaaaaaa?!

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[photo taken on 9.27.15}

top by czarina’s project, bow by coco and lulu, shoes by mini melissa

wow…she’s become such a cute, little, opinionated, sweet, bossy babe. hahaha! she’s definitely hit the almost terrible two’s. it’s not been so terrible but totally taxing on my sanity and patience. i completely understand that she is unaware of how to channel her emotions. i get that she doesn’t know right from wrong. i do my best to guide her and be as compassionate as possible. she’s a funny one. i get her by now, though. yes. no. yes. no. yes. no. i get all freudian on her. so, in the end i win! muwahahaha!

she still loves to eat. she’s got some chunky legs but her arms are so itty bitty! i only say ‘still’ because ya know how kids can be…they can get picky! so far, so good with miss olive but yes, she is still little. we usually start her morning with yogurt, fruit, and/or cereal. for lunch, we go in for an all beef hotdog, fruit, and cheese. she will get a snack in the afternoon and that will typically consist of annie’s cheddar bunnies, fruit, dried cranberries, applesauce, or horizon peanut butter sandwich crackers. for dinner, she will eat whatever we eat but we will add in fruit or veggies if we lack in those areas.

baby olive is a trooper sleeper. such a good, great, awesome sleeper. she has the occasional interrupted sleep {mostly her afternoon naps}, where she cries out for a minute or less but other than that, she’s pretty solid. she is a night owl. yes, baby girl looooooooves to stay up late. where most kids her age go to bed at 7 or 8 o’clock, olive is all milk drunk partying it up at night. she won’t hit the sack until 9-10 o’clock and sometimes she will lay in her crib and hum or talk to herself for another 45 minutes or so.  but like clockwork, she will stir at 8 o’clock {give or take} every day. she will hum or talk to herself for a half hour or so before she starts to scream my name. “mom! mom! mom! mom!”, over and over again. even if i answer her she will keep screaming it until i go into her room. sometimes she will converse with me from across the hallway {and that is soooo adorbs!} but most of the time, she won’t stop until i make an appearance.

goofing off is her middle name. she loves to be so crazy {toddler life}. she loves to chase me, grab at my legs and say, “i got you! rawr!”. she loves to say that over and over as we chase each other and play ‘tag’. she loves to jump on the couch {bad habit we don’t stop! eep}. her current love? jumping everywhere. she doesn’t walk, she will jump, jump, jump to point a to point b. she loves it when we throw her in the air, she loves to play hide and seek, she loves to read and be read to. her favorite book of the moment is the little engine that could. she loves it when i read to her in the morning, that’s her routine.

words or phrases she says. “oh noooooooo, it’s sucks!” translated to, “oh nooooooo, it’s stuck!”. “i eat”. “peas” translated to “please”. “i bow, i boowwww, i bow!” translated to “i want my bow!”. “i want”. “phone”. “i wuvvv you” translated to “i love you”. “munny” translated to “bunny”. “i like it”. “mmmm, yummy”. “doggie”. “cat, meow”. “cookie”. “pop” translated to “lollipop”. “i sorry”. “pilwoah” translated to “pillow”. “book”. “bear”. “hat”. “elwafent” translated to “elephant”. “mouse”. “shoes”. “tv”. “i drink”. “back” translated to “put it back”. i could go on and on. her vocabulary grows by the day and everyday, we are teaching her new words to say and remember. she knows her name, she knows how old she is, she can count 1 – 10 guided and so forth. it’s so amazing to watch her grow and learn.

her snuggles are the best. i love that she is now so cuddly and sweet. she loves to sit in my lap, be in my arms when we are sitting on the couch watching a movie. she will lean her head on me. she loves to crawl into our bed and lay with us. she gives the best kisses and hugs. the kind of hugs where she will repeatedly tap you on your back, so stinkin’ cute. she will hold my hand, give me endless kisses, lean her face onto mine, put her arms around me…i love every second of it!

this girl loves her shoes. oh, and she had plenty of pairs to swap around! she is so good with putting on her shoes and taking them off. the other week, she put it on the wrong foot and said, “wrong foot!” and proceeded to take them off and put them on the right foot! such a smarty. if she sees her any of her shoes sitting around, she will always put them on. so far, she’s been great with letting me choose her clothes and shoes. i will be sad when the day comes and she won’t ‘let’ me dress her anymore!

well, that is oh baby olive in a nutshell. i could go on and on about all the wonderful changes and growth she has been through {typical mom talk, non?!} but i will give you the condensed version. hahaha!

she is the light of our lives. i pray every day that she will grow up to be a strong, loved, patient, kind, healthy, beautiful lady. olive, we love you so much and always want you to know how much we care, give, and do to make this world for you a better place.


slow yer roll olive

my precious baby girl. she is so amazing. i am in awe over her sweetness every day. the love. the love. the love. it’s almost unbearable.

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[20 months and growing]

since her eighteen month appointment, this girl has changed soooooo much.

she now says two word sentences! now that is a feat. she says, “i eat” or “bye, bye. see ya!” or “yes peas”. it’s so flippin’ adorable. i die every time she says something cute like that. i revel in every second of it. i know this is nothing new to anyone who is a parent but to a parent of their first child, it’s soooo novel and exciting and i will gush over every moment with no apologies.

her facial expressions are so distinct. she scrunches her face in disgust. she raises her eyebrows in surprise. she crinkles her nose in question. i love watching her react and seeing her face coincide with her emotions.

she understands exactly what you say. she might not be able to articulate her thoughts completely but i love that she understands what i say. it’s so cool. as soon as the words come out my mouth, she is on foot to do it or go there. i love it.

she has a major opinion. oh yes she does. when she doesn’t want to do something, eat something, or go somewhere, she expresses it. she infamous for throwing herself on the ground or anywhere for that matter. she’ll flip off a chair, she will tumble off a ledge, or she will simply bounce off the ground. if she doesn’t want to do it, she will let you know. when this happens, i usually just stand there and put my arms on my hips and she will get the message that i mean business {it’s usually accompanied with a very stern look and a very stern “olive”}…and hopefully she won’t throw another fit/tantrum. hopefully.

she is definitely intuitive. she can put on her own shoes, correctly. she can pull on her socks. she senses when something is wrong, or when you are sad, happy, or when something doesn’t feel right, she will know. she has always been very careful and cautious since she was a wee one and it has carried on. i love this sensitive, emotional, responsible side of her.

having particles in her shoes, bumps in her socks really bug her. she is so particular. hmmmmm, i wonder where she gets that from?!

man oh man is she neat. she must get that from her daddy! hahaha! she looks at bugs and say yucky. she gets food on her fingers and she says yucky and won’t eat until i wipe her hands or if you give her a wet nap, she’ll do it herself. eep. she puts her toys away. she loves washing her hands. i don’t mind the kiddo getting dirty, playing outside, falling to the ground at the supermarket and licking the floor…she does do all that, but in the end, she’s a bit of a neat/clean/tidy little lady.

this girl is a goofball. she’s so silly. she loves to giggle. she loves to play hide and seek. she loves to sit amongst all the pillow on our bed and laugh. i love her humor, sass, and cuteness. she is a toddler and she loves to play. she will pull out her books and read aloud and i melt. she will run like a crazy little person all around the house and i laugh at her energy. i cherish every moment of her silliness and wild actions. i want her to have fun, be carefree, and be young. this moment is going by too fast already and i want to savor every second.

olive is cuddly and she’s soooo loving! i love this about her. she loves to give kisses and hugs. she will always be in my arms, lean on me, snuggle her head on my neck/shoulder and i die over every moment. i know that these actions will eventually become less and less so i am taking advantage of every time olive wants to kiss, hug, and snuggle. sometimes i want to squeeze her so hard…i can’t get enough of her!

there ya go lovies. olive’s twenty month report card and it’s a+++.


fancy free finery

i was quite honored when katie from fancy free finery reached out to me to be a guest blogger on her site! we have been a fan of her crowns since earlier this year and have collected a few fun ones over the months.

she hand makes each flower and crown and pays attention to even the tiniest of details.  every crown she produces is perfection. we love how whimsical, pretty, and romantic her crowns are. each one evokes such a dreamy look to every outfit i add it to. i think they are an outstanding accessory to any girl’s ensemble because it adds just the right amount of magic to a child’s imagination. she could be a princess, a hero, a warrior, or just a strong little girl who loves pretty little things.

anyhoo, katie asked me to write about olive. easy enough! as if that was going to be a stretch! haha! she wanted to know what kind of magic olive and i create together during our play time or just between us. my desires for olive’s upbringing, how i feel, how we love to just let her be her. simple enough, non?!

i then wanted to capture olive within these thoughts, within these words. what does a magical playtime look like to me for her? how can i capture my words into pictures? well, here is one sneak peek for ya! it translated into exactly how i feel, how i envisioned, and olive’s expression is exactly what i imagined for her to feel when she’s being creative. so, hopefully what i exude {my hope and imagination} is translated into my little baby girl. please head on over to katie’s blog to read my article…plus, there are more fun pictures to see!

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[crown: fancyfreefinery // outfit: junepark // tassels: studiomucci // olive banner: littledovie // rockingsheep: potterybarnkids // chalkboard easel: ikea]

so, if you want to ready more about my goal, love, and dreams for little miss olive, please head on over to katie’s blog! you can find it here. it’s on there right now! happy reading y’all!


kind of a date night

so, we had an impromptu date night. yes, the stars were aligned and we jumped right on it!

our day started out with just me and olive. we chilled in the morning, did our usual routine, and then we got ready to head out to olive’s one year doctor’s appointment. traffic wasn’t so bad but {harhar} we were running late! we were about 15 minutes late and scored a close parking spot, so we were right on time to our predicted late time {ha!}. i was super excited to see how much my baby has grown! olive was in the 85 percentile for her head and height but she was at the 50 percentile for her weight…not too shabby. i really thought she was going to weigh more, but everything is just perfect. she is super healthy and just stinkin’ wonderful.

after her appointment, we went to starbucks and i bought a coffee. we then cruised down southport to check out some shops. of course, we stopped at our favorite store: anthropologie! we walked around and around enjoying all the holiday decor, knick knacks, and beautiful clothes. the store is so whimsical and fun but not only that, they have the coolest, prettiest dresses! after we shopped around for a bit, we decided to head out just in time for olive’s second nap during our car ride home. natch.

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[at our favorite store – anthropologie]

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olive woke up just in time for a shopping trip to target. we bought a bunch of grocery items and some holiday decor. while i was shopping at target, my sister text me about wanting miss olive to come over to my parent’s house because our nephews were over and they wanted to play with her! so right after our shopping excursion, i headed over to my parent’s house and dropped miss olive off!

i headed back home to unload the groceries and hc declared that we were going to take advantage of this alone time and go out to dinner! when he first mentioned doing something together, my mind immediately went to doing some errands together but he firmly said no. he said we were going to spend our time together doing nothing but enjoy a lovely dinner together with just us. what a fantastic thought!!

wow…it had been awhile since we went out to dinner, sat eye to eye, conversed, and not get interrupted by anything! it was amazing. it felt good. it felt like a true {short} date night! it’s crazy to think we haven’t done something like that in months! how simple things like that can be taken for granted! i loved every second of our alone time together. i am super thankful hc insisted on it and grateful he is a romantic like that. gosh, he helps me slow down and enjoy life, ’cause sometimes i move at warp speed and i need someone to tell me to stop and smell the roses.

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one year photos

so, to top off this past fabulous year of life, we had olive’s pictures taken to celebrate her one year birthday! we have been going to patricia anderson photography since olive was in the womb! so, to have her capture olive’s one year mark was a no brainer.

it was just me and olive, hc was away on a business trip {he’s been at every session leading up to this one}. it was a good morning. olive was on track with her meals and nap but as usual, i was running just a wee bit behind. we then headed out to the city, everything was looking good until i hit the kennedy! ugh. it was so backed up but i wasn’t too worried. i was still on track to being 15 minutes late 😉 then this happened: barry {street} was under construction. what?! i had planned on parking right on barry, we always do…there is always a spot. but nope. not this time. i drove around and around trying to find a spot! of course, it had to be the day i go by ‘myself’ and have a whole bunch of props with me!!! if hc was with us, he would have dropped us off and it would have been easy peasy. so, i finally found a parking spot {quickly pulled the stroller together and grabbed our props} and hauled us at lightening speed to the studio.

i was carrying balloons, outfit changes for olive, her crown, banners, pushing her stroller, and fighting the wind as i flew through the streets of chicago. i finally made it! phew! tricia was worried we were going to be very, very late but we did it!

we got inside and got cracking on her photos. the first shots were of her in her cutesy zara outfit. you can’t really tell in the pics but the dress is this beautiful brocade. annnddd as i expected, olive was not amused. she gets uncomfortable and very confused {when the environment is foreign}, and when she feels that way, she clings to her momma! she then gets that serious face on that pretty little mug and won’t smile.

as the session led on, she was getting super cozy and comfy and started to lighten up. she then started to become a ham! woo, when she gets comfortable i then start to relax.

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[dress & leggings by zara // gold bow hair clip by pink toast boutique]

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[custom romper and headband // love her ‘not impressed’ look]

we did four outfit changes {tricia even had a custom yellow romper made for olive’s photo shoot!} and saved the best for last! her smash cake event! i was so excited, i don’t think olive had a clue what she was in for, or me, really! we dressed her up in her crown, tutu, hung her banners, and placed the balloons. it all looked oh so cute!

at first, she didn’t know what to do. i had to help her by sticking my finger in the cake and getting the frosting on her lips. she then smooshed her hand onto the cake and didn’t like it at first {she is so my child}. she didn’t like that her hand was dirty! she kept trying to get me to wipe off her hand…that’s my girl! but then she started to taste it and, boy, she started to like it! then the cake smashing craziness took over. she even used her foot to kick the cake…lol.

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[banner by little dovie // crown by little blue olive // tutu by my sweet pea couture]

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[my favorite}

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well, there you go! olive’s one year photos are complete and we were soooo happy with the end results. tricia does such an amazing job and she is so incredibly calm and great with olive. we love working with her…every time, our photos turn out absolutely perfect!!

cheers to another beautiful year of olive!


happy twelve months!

happy twelve months olive!

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[photos taken on 11.21.14]

weight: 20 lbs 15oz.

height: 30.5″

oh my oh my oh my! our baby girl is one year old!!! whaaaa?! already?! i’ve always thought about this day, i’ve always thought about her birthday party {so daunting & it turned out perfect!}, i have always thought about what she would be like at one year…and here we are. all these milestones and moments turned out to be exactly what i expected and also so much more spectacular than what i thought! she is so amazing, funny, sweet, loving, silly, cuddly, and goofy.

olive is so loving! she loves to give kisses and hugs. it just makes your heart melt. those pouty lips and chunky cheeks just get me. every. time. i love to say to olive, “kisses!” and she will lean in for a smack on the lips. she’s so cuddly and oh so loving! she loves to lean in for a hug. she loves to snuggle into my arms. she now likes to lay right by your side and chill. it is seriously so cool. she went from a baby to a little girl with a big personality {slow yer roll!}

olive is a healthy, hearty eater. she loves food. like loves it. she will eat anything you give her. i am hoping that this carries over throughout her childhood. i am an eater. i love food. i love trying new tastes, textures, and flavors. i get so much joy from it and i want olive to be the same. i want her to explore and widen her palate as much as i love it. so, we are off to the right start since baby girl does down anything right now. she loves spicy foods, veggies, fish, meat, fruit, cereals, and cake. yes, lots of cake…just like her momma.

she has been solid in her sleep. she hasn’t graduated to that one big nap a day yet…i think that will be in the near future. but for now, she is still hitting up two naps a day. she does go to bed pretty late {like mom like daughter??} and wakes up at a decent hour {typically around 8am}. she will nap between 10-11am and then take another nap around 4-5pm. i am still amazed that she has been so structured and solid in her sleep patterns since she was 4 weeks old! does that mean our next baby will be a crazy, sporadic sleeper??? olive tends to cry out at midnight every night {it’s like clockwork every night at that time, exactly 2 hours after she goes to bed} but only for a minute or two and falls back asleep.  only once this past month did she cry out {around 3am} and didn’t stop for awhile. i got up to console my baby girl back to sleep but that definitely was an anomaly for her.

um, did i mention that she mastered walking?! yes, she finally took that bold step towards craziness. like i said before, i really thought she would be walking by ten months, but eleven months it was. now she is all over the place. it’s too cute. she just wobbles around just to wobble around. she has no purpose. she has no destination. she just walks around and around because she can. it’s so novel for her right now that it amuses me just the same. i love watching her teeter everywhere and giggle at how delighted she is that she is walking! she currently has the goofiest look on her face when she is walking everywhere. it’s way too presh.

well, last month i blogged about her crawling up the stairs {and not knowing how to get down}…she has now mastered ‘crawling’ down the stairs. yup, she is pretty good at it. a little over a week ago, she was going up my parent’s stairs and then she decided that she was going to go down. and down she went with such ease!!! from that moment on, it’s been up and down, up and down any set of stairs.

i am a bit sad because this will be my “last” monthly post of olive. the first year is so important, amazing, and full of delight. it was a fantastic way to document olive’s ever growing status and now it’s come to an end. waaaah. now don’t get me wrong…i will be blogging about olive’s future milestones but it’s bittersweet that this chapter is closing. but ya know what they say…when one door closes, another one opens. natch.

happy one year my dear, sweet olive. we love you to bits and look forward to so many more amazing years ahead. the best is yet to come.


starbucks mini me

warning: total mom photos coming your way. a.k.a photo overload of pretty much the same thing – baby and me.

when my dear friends carol, dana, and andrea hosted my baby’s shower last year, dana had given me the cutest little sippy cup evah as a gift! i couldn’t wait to use it! i’m such a starbucks addict. yes, i will pay $4.50 or so for a fancy coffee. yeahhhh, a fancy coffee for a fancy lady {what grace used to call me…fancy}.

anyhoo, olive has finally reached an age where she uses a sippy cup. we actually introduced a sippy cup months ago but i finally dug out this ‘starbucks’ cup for her. oh, i was loving it. me with my starbucks cup and her with her version?! i was in heaven. i was gleeful and excited {wow…the simple things in life}. i could not stop snapping photos. i seriously thought it was the cutest thing {well, i still do}.

this was a morning where we had glorious olive and me time. we were loving life and having a grand ol’ time with each other. we snuggled in each other arms. she played independently, i did errands around the house, we would come back together and have more play time and just chill.

well, back to the starbucks moment. when dana gave me this sippy cup…i totally envisioned me and the baby strolling around, outside on a sunny day, starbucks in hand and her sippy ‘starbucks’ cup in her hands. we are enjoying our drinks and loving life. hmph, that will totally still happen but our first moment of bumping starbucks cups was just too perfect!

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that was just so cute, non?! thanks dana for the best sippy cup evah! you know me too well {and the le petit prince livre is still my favorite!}. cheers to the daily guzzling of delicious coffee!


olive’s 11 month loves

month eleven.

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wooden taxi // stitches and soles moccasins // bear hat // plasma car // angel dear blankie // boogie wipes

olive is really loving any push toys right now. she will grab anything on wheels and roll it all around the floor. well, it doesn’t have to have wheels. she will just push it across the floor if she can. so, this little wooden taxi is a favorite. it’s actually a substantial size. it’s sturdy, bright, and easy to play with. it’s so cute to watch her roll it across the floor while she does her gimp crawl {it’s an interesting combo of moves that gets her across the room}. annndddd, like i have said before, i love wooden toys. i love the texture of them. i love that they are environment friendly. i love that they are made with non-toxic paint {cuz everything goes into her mouth!}. i love that they are so aesthetically pleasing as well!

i love, love these moccasins from stitches and soles. they are too cute and so easy to put on olive. they have elastic hidden bands and they totally stay on her feet! her shoes are top notch in quality and design. these shoes add total oomph to any of olive’s outfits. they come in lots of fun colors and she offers two cute styles in ’em. i can’t wait to add more colors into her collection and dress her up in my love {all over, all over}. yeah, madonna fans…ya got that one?

hats. hats are a must right now. i think my problem is finding hats that fit olive’s noggin. okay, she doesn’t have a huge head but it’s near the 80th percentile on her chart {so, she has outgrown some cute hats i have gotten her a few months ago!}. i love fun little hats like this babygap one. it’s good to have a few neutral ones available that can go with any outfit she has or any coat. the weather is so unpredictable, so it’s imperative to have warm hats on hand to protect her little, presh noggin.

this push car is one of olive’s favorite. it’s at my parent’s house and olive loves to push it around. she is such a strong little girl that she can push it when her cousin reagan or auntie kim is sitting on it {or both at the same time!}. it is hilarious to watch…and ya kinda feel bad for her at the same time. olive loves to push people around on the car {so cute} but yet, it melts your heart she is working so hard at it. a determined little gal.

she’s such a snuggle bunny now. she loves her little blankies or anything soft, so she can rub her little cheeks and lips onto them. she loves this soft owl blankie {courtesy of auntie carol} and has become so attached to it. she loves to sleep with it. she loves to watch tv with it. she loves to crawl around the house with it. it comforts her. it calms her down and i’m totally into it. it’s so endearing and heartwarming to watch her snuggle her blankie {her new bestie}.

boogie wipes are a lifesaver. seriously. olive went through a week where she had a bit of a runny nose {poor babes!} and she did. not. like. it when i tried wiping her nose. it finally dawned on me that i had a stash of boogie wipes in her diaper bag! hallelujah. it saved me. she totally let me wipe those icky boogs off her face with these wipes! no problem. no fussing. no tears. i just pulled out a wipe, cleaned up her nose, and she would hardly flinch. thank goodness! she didn’t have to look like a kid whose parents would let their boogies run down their face {yeahs right…like i would ever let that happen!}.

well, those are olive’s eleven month loves! can you believe she is eleven months?! oh em gee…it’s cray to think about it. she is so amazing. i love her sooooo much and every minute i have with her just melts my heart to a mushy, puddled mess. she brightens up our world and sometimes i think my heart might explode with love. *sigh*


my sweet olive

ohhhh. how i love this baby girl. one night, it was just me and o, we were playing around on the floor and having fun {in our coordinating pajamas]. i decided to plop down in her chair. she found it so amusing! she wanted to crawl up onto my lap, and so she did. oh my goodness. we had the best time snuggling. the best. she sat in my lap and watched her favorite sing along songs by baby genius.

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[pj tiiiiime]

via tandeminlove.comwe chilled and cuddled together. we were loving life. little o kept on leaning back and giving me little hugs. i was in heaven. she is so sweet and adorbs.  so, i said to her, “kisses!” and she would turn around and give me a peck on the lips! she would actually pucker her lips and give me sweet kisses every time i said kisses. i was loving it!

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[this was the best. each frame was a separate time olive would lean back and give me a bisou]

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via tandeminlove.com

via tandeminlove.com

we sat there contently, watched her favorite sing along nursery rhymes, and had the best momma daughter time together. just me and o, all alone. missing daddy, being away on a work trip. although, moments like these makes it all so much better.

i love her to bits. i absolutely have the best time with her. life is so much sweeter with this cutie around.
