cubs game ’18

yaaayyyyy! i love cubs games!

i really, really do. i grew up loving the cubs. my most favorite team? andre dawson, ryne sandberg, wilkins, mark grace…my love for the cubs intensified then. i was that child that would rush home from school and turn on the cubs games on wgn and actually watch all nine innings. yesssssssss.

anyhoo, prior to the game, we had abraham’s bris {you can read that in the previous post}. we purposely arrived late to the game because 1. we had the bris to attend and 2. it was soooooooo dang hot, we didn’t mind showing a wee bit late. we scored rockstar parking and walked our way into the stadium. we grabbed some dogs and beers and maneuvered our way to our seats. ohhhhhh, it was hot! the temperature in the stadium was 102 degrees F. yowza!

we really enjoyed ourselves. well, i really did…although drinking beer, mixed with hot temps seemed like a disastrous combination. my body temp started to rise and i was feeling super parched, but survived. once the game hit the 8th inning, hc was done. i was surprised because usually i am the one done but hey! it’s the cubs game!!!! i love attending any game and it’s even better when they win. i absolutely love singing the go cubs go song at the end of the game!

well, i wasn’t going to argue! so, we left. we stopped by a shop to find a hat that hc was interested in. we knew that a storm was coming but we really didn’t plan around it. once hc purchased his hat, we hit the streets to walk back to the car. that was when the sky opened up and it rained on us! it was actually awesome! it was so hot, so a rain shower was appreciated! it may have rained for 6 minutes and then it stopped and the sun came out again.

i loved that we attended two events that day, i really had a great time despite the 102 degree heat, hc and i both purchased hats {like we need any more!}, we were rained on, and…

we left at a poignant moment in the game! the twins caught up and then the cubs won the game by one run! holy cow!

we hit the road again and cruised home to meet up with hc’s parents, who stopped by our house {they watched the girls over the weekend!}. it was such an eventful but heart-full day.

go cubs go!


[we arrived late to the game]



[it was sooooo hot outside]



[we left at the 8th inning]


[nice face hc]


summa time

the few weeks before independence day can be so intense! there are so many things going on, i don’t have enough of me to be able to enjoy all the fun summer activities!

to kick off summmmmmma time, our neighborhood friends invited us to a local jubilee. that weekend was a h o t one. sizzling! we decided to watch the live bands and enjoy the festivities on the coolest night of the weekend, although is was only 90 degrees and humid that day. eep!

hc and i took the jeep there…the most perfect weather to do so! we left the same time as our neighbors, dianna and todd, and we all walked to the jubilee together. our other neighbor friends, john and laura, had already secured a spot for us by the stage.

naturally, the boys hung out and us gals hung out. we gabbed and the men talked about their manly things. after a bit, hc and i wandered off to do my instagram ‘things’ and then grabbed some grub from the healthy section of the jubilee. hahaha! cheesy tater tots, hot dogs, and other bad things for my summer bod. bahahahhhhhaaa!

we actually, really enjoyed the music! the first group was a little bit country and the second group was a little bit rock n’ roll. the latter group was a great cover band! the musicians and the singer nailed popular songs of the past! hc made a comment about how some cover bands try to add in their own twists but we love it when a cover band nails the songs as we know them {and this band did just that!}!

after a few hours, i nudged hc to go. it was after 9:30 {oh, we’re so old and with children} and we needed to get home to put the kiddos to bed and send my sister home {always so thankful for her being available to watch the kiddos!}!

we are so grateful for our awesome neighbors! we really had a wonderful time with our SE crew! cheers to more fun summer festivals!


[me, diana, and laura]




[all the healthy food you can eat!]




[heart attack on a plate]


[hc, john, and todd]


[summer time]


friday night

so months ago, during dana and scott’s engagement party…we made plans to get together with irina, patrick, dana, and scott. fast forward a couple months, we finally make it happen!

our plan was to get to au cheval early and hopefully nab a table {we were crossing our fingers…}, they don’t take reservations! dana, hc, and i have eaten there before but the rest have not and we all wanted to eat there together, it’s soooooo yummy!

per usual, hc and i were running so late! ugh…like very late. traffic on a friday night is horrific, so we were a bit anxious to get going. we hit the road and of course it was baaaad. well, we finally saw why it was so bad, there was an accident on the ike. yuck! we surpassed it and started cruising. the good news was {well, not really good news}, dana and irina were running behind as well! phew! so, we weren’t far behind! yay!

irina’s husband, patrick, arrived at au cheval early, before six o’clock, to put our name down for a table. um, they told him it would be a four hour wait. wtf?! a four hour wait?????? are you kidding me?! no thank you! that was such a bummer. oh, we so wanted to eat there but there was no way we waiting for a midnight supper.

so, patrick moseyed across the street to the haymarket pub and nabbed us a table. i was super annoyed at it all. i, first, didn’t want to spend my friday night in the city at the haymarket pub but hey, whatcha gonna do? there was no way we were eating at au cheval. well, no matter, what was most important was spending my time with everyone. i was super excited to catch up and have some fun!


[my girls]


[cheers to being out!]

the conversation flowed non-stop. we have a bunch of talkers in this group! we shared, switched, and started multiple conversations between us all. it was so much fun. i love this group of peeps. patrick cracks me up, irina and her sarcasm, dana is a little bit of both, and hc and scott are just good sweet guys.

we ordered plenty of libations and delicious bites to fill our bellies. after a few hours {we did feel a bit old…or is it because we have kids?} we decided to call it quits. no, we weren’t going to party all night and yes it was still early but it was friday night, where everyone worked and of course, everyone is a bit tired from the week.


[love these two!]


[these two are the best!]


[having a blast]

we wrapped up our bill, nibbled on the last bits of food, and took the last swigs of our drinks before we hit the road. we had such a great time with everyone and we can’t wait to do this again! drinks, food, and friends are the best combo!


kind of a date night

so, we had an impromptu date night. yes, the stars were aligned and we jumped right on it!

our day started out with just me and olive. we chilled in the morning, did our usual routine, and then we got ready to head out to olive’s one year doctor’s appointment. traffic wasn’t so bad but {harhar} we were running late! we were about 15 minutes late and scored a close parking spot, so we were right on time to our predicted late time {ha!}. i was super excited to see how much my baby has grown! olive was in the 85 percentile for her head and height but she was at the 50 percentile for her weight…not too shabby. i really thought she was going to weigh more, but everything is just perfect. she is super healthy and just stinkin’ wonderful.

after her appointment, we went to starbucks and i bought a coffee. we then cruised down southport to check out some shops. of course, we stopped at our favorite store: anthropologie! we walked around and around enjoying all the holiday decor, knick knacks, and beautiful clothes. the store is so whimsical and fun but not only that, they have the coolest, prettiest dresses! after we shopped around for a bit, we decided to head out just in time for olive’s second nap during our car ride home. natch.


[at our favorite store – anthropologie]




olive woke up just in time for a shopping trip to target. we bought a bunch of grocery items and some holiday decor. while i was shopping at target, my sister text me about wanting miss olive to come over to my parent’s house because our nephews were over and they wanted to play with her! so right after our shopping excursion, i headed over to my parent’s house and dropped miss olive off!

i headed back home to unload the groceries and hc declared that we were going to take advantage of this alone time and go out to dinner! when he first mentioned doing something together, my mind immediately went to doing some errands together but he firmly said no. he said we were going to spend our time together doing nothing but enjoy a lovely dinner together with just us. what a fantastic thought!!

wow…it had been awhile since we went out to dinner, sat eye to eye, conversed, and not get interrupted by anything! it was amazing. it felt good. it felt like a true {short} date night! it’s crazy to think we haven’t done something like that in months! how simple things like that can be taken for granted! i loved every second of our alone time together. i am super thankful hc insisted on it and grateful he is a romantic like that. gosh, he helps me slow down and enjoy life, ’cause sometimes i move at warp speed and i need someone to tell me to stop and smell the roses.



