neidre was in town!

i was super excited to have received a text from neidre that she was coming into town!

we coordinated a date and the hubs and i were looking forward to seeing her! she is just the sweetest. i love her spunk, her attitude, her outlook on life; i pretty much love everything. you know when you have a person in your life and you only see them once in a blue moon but you have a huge place in your heart for them? that’s neidre. she lives in florida and sometimes we get out there and sometimes she gets out here to chicago but each time, we will make sure we see each other!

we decided upon a sushi restaurant that was a middle point logistically to our locations. we both arrived on time and honestly, i couldn’t wait to see her! hc and i walked in and i saw her hair first…hahaha! big hugs and squealing ensued! we sat down and ordered drinks, apps, and eventually food. i was sooooo hungry and everything was delicious. we have eaten at this restaurant before and i have had a great experience every single time we’ve eaten there.

neidre was staying at her friend kim’s house while in town and kim was a riot! i loved hanging out with these two ladies…they were funny, sweet, and exciting! very gregarious and engaging, so our entire conversation was absolutely compelling throughout dinner.

we shared new stories, old stories, and my husbands crazy teenage angst stories {wow, i never knew he was such a punk}. it was awesome to recount tales down memory lane. after many libations, filling our bellies full of yummy eats, and hours of talking, we needed to get home to our babes to put them down.

it was sooooooo much fun seeing neidre and kim. there is never a dull moment with these gals! we had the best time with them and my heart was so full seeing neidre. she’s so amazing. we said our goodbyes and gave big hugs and parted ways.

i really hope we can meet up with this lady soon! i will have to convince hc on a vacation trip to florida! thanks neidre for being you, we love you and hope to visit you in the sunshine state sometime soon!



[yummy pear martini]


[neidre and kim]


[a delicious surprise inside!]



[love these two]



hb to me!

my birthday started out with me and olive. we were having a great morning! she was snuggly and in a great mood. i got ready and we spent a little us time, snuggling, that morning and then i decided we would hit target.

of course our shopping ‘short’ stop turned into a longer escapade than i had in mind {i should know better, it’s target!}! i was a bit behind on her breakfast and nap. we rushed home and i threw the groceries on the floor and went to work on her breakfast. i fed her, then nursed her, and then off to bed she went! she put up a fight. almost one hour later, she finally fell asleep!

hc’s parents came over around three o’clock, right when olive was finishing up her lunch. i had let her eat her pudding by herself, which is always a hot mess, and i typically throw her in the tub afterwards to clean her up. she gets her food all over the place. she will get pudding on her face {natch}, her hair, her ears, her pj’s, her hands, elbows, you name it…food is on it!

while his parents were over, i made some christmas popcorn {more on that later!} and hc {who came home early} hung out with his dad, while gramma entertained miss olive. once i was done, i got myself all gussied up and was ready to open up my birthday presents!


[my presents!]

i opened up dick and jane’s gift first. oh my goodness! i was not expecting to find what was inside. actually, i really had no clue what it was but i was extremely surprised! they bought me a pair of tory burch shoes! i was excited! i have a pair {and i looooooove them} but they are old and ragged. the shoes have been through more than what i should have put them through. yay!


[opening gifts before we head out to dinner]


[i was sooooo excited to receive these shoes!!!! it was so unexpected!]


[tory burch caroline flats!]

i was ready for hc’s gift. it was quite a big box. as i unwrapped it, i couldn’t get the box open {as you can see, i’m super amused}. my struggles were well paid off!!! my birthday present was from burberry! i was soooooo excited and happy! i had mentioned to hc that i wanted a new coat, my old burberry was dunzo, but i wasn’t sure when i was going to get it. i hoped for it as a possible birthday/christmas gift or something we could buy next year when all the cray spending would settle down. nope. it was here, on my birthday. woot. woot. a beautiful, new, sleek long puffer coat in the color olive. how perfect.


[not amused on why i can’t get the big box open]


[oh em gee…didn’t really expect this either!!!]


[olive was curious]


[so focused]


[in love! the color is called olive!]


[about to head out for our dinner reservations]

after much hoopla, we rushed out of the house and headed to the city for our dinner reservations. i was super excited to have dinner at our favorite sushi restaurant. hc and i had our third date there. plus, when we lived in the city, it was so easy to go to coast as it was a hop skip and a jump away from our place.

as we were driving there, we passed a new donut shop called stan’s. i loved the store front and how inviting it looked but we were surprised a donut shop opened up there, right across the street from another favorite of ours, glazed and infused. that kind of sucked for them! donut competition!


[we were amused that this donut shop popped up right across the street from glazed and infused, i’m sure they weren’t amused…wow, competition}

we arrived at coast {we scored an awesome parking spot} and were seated immediately. oh, it was delightful. just like old times. we were seated in a cozy corner and had the best time drinking wine, eating apps, and conversing. dinner was fantastic, as usual. i crave sushi and i die over their fried tofu soup. it’s amaze.

well, we ate waaaayyy too much. hc had planned for us to go to hot chocolate for dessert. it’s our usual routine. eat at coast and have dessert at hot chocolate. but we were so stuffed that we passed on it, knowing we had cupcakes waiting for us at home. we wrapped up and headed out. it was great to not rush, to enjoy each other’s company, and savor a delicious meal together.





[best evah…my favorite is the white dragon]

once we got home, we lit my birthday candle, they sang happy birthday, and it was a wrap! it was quite a successful birthday!


[my birthday cupcake]




[singing happy birthday to me!]


via[make a wish!]

i had the best day with miss olive & hc’s parents. hc always makes my birthday so special! he knows, with it being so close to the holiday craziness, how important it is to celebrate it as my memorable day. he will go out of his way to make it exceptional. he is, honestly, the best birthday present i could ever ask for!
