easter sunday

it was a whirlwind week!  gosh, it went by so fast!  i was so happy hubby charming was home {yay!}.  i was excited it was almost easter.  i was glad it was holy week.  it was a whole lotta church this week {whoa}!

not much else going on this past week but going to mass every night.  the easter vigil was a beautiful service and it is always so exciting to see people baptized or confirmed into the catholic religion.

our easter sunday was filled with a lot of eating + traveling.  first on our agenda, picking up miss grace.  we traveled up north, got the little lady, and traveled back down south to meet my family for brunch.

the brunch was delicious!  we ate at the reel club.  a brunch buffet filled with a variety and copious amounts of eats {what it should be like, right?!}.  from endless amounts of seafood, kids food, breakfast, lunch, and yummy desserts choices {the chocolate mousse cups were divine!}.  i personally chose a menage of breakfast treats.  the croissants were delish!  so buttery and flaky!  who can pass up bacon and flavorful breakfast potatoes?!  not moi!

after a fun filled time {crazy nephew antics included!}, we headed back to kim + terry’s for some more family time and photos.  after a quick hang out, lots of gifts for grace {holy easter baskets! lucky gal!}, we embarked on our next adventure ~ to hubby charming’s parent’s house we went!

we met up with the fam as they were enjoying their brunch meal.  we sat, we chatted, we nibbled, we hung out.  it was relaxing and calm.  it was great to catch up with hubby charming’s side of the family.  grace played with daniel, aj, jake and she ate a lot of candy {oh boy}, there was no monitoring of that!  it was a free for all {hey, it’s the holiday for the kiddo}.  after much imbibing + noshing, the family soon trickled out one by one.

as everyone dissipated,  aunt wendy really wanted to play farkle.  yes, that wasn’t a misspelling, you read that correctly…it’s called farkle.  i’m sooo not a game player.  it’s not because i don’t have fun, it’s because i just don’t like learning how to play, amongst other reasons {hehe}.  lazy, non?  anyhoo, aunt wendy assured me that it was easy, and yes it was!  i was completely amused and had a lot of fun!

soon, it was just the four of us; me, rich, dick and jane {grace’s step-dad so graciously picked her up from grandma’s, phew! one less road traveled for us!}.  we chit chatted until the early evening and finally hit the road to our journey back home…a long, traffic filled journey {ugh!}.

all in all, it was a marvelous day!  a day filled with family, laughter, fun, yummy eats, tons of candy, and lots of love.  i hope everyone’s easter was just as great!

via tandeminlove.com

[flowers from daddy // basket by us // hat by grace]

via tandeminlove.com


via tandeminlove.com[bros]

via tandeminlove.com

[opening frenzy]

via tandeminlove.com

[r’s clown hair]

via tandeminlove.com

[leather sperry’s + b’s chubby feet]

via tandeminlove.com

[silly b // he kept asking everyone “can you see me?!”]

via tandeminlove.com

[love my family // just missing huy]

via tandeminlove.com

[grace + thuy // such a great gift, thanks t!]

via tandeminlove.com



[awww <3 cousins]

via tandeminlove.com

[the creepy lamb cake // um, it was delicious]

via tandeminlove.com



get festive

hubby charming came home the other night after being gone for a really, really, really long time!  yikes {no bueno}.

well, i’m very excited to have him home for holy week!  to get festive, we dyed easter eggs!  it was a cozy night in, pj’s and messy hair required!  of course, i’m speedy like water and hubby charming is slow as ice dying our easter eggs.  i wish i had made the dye more potent {next time}!  we tried ombre, one color, double color, and added spiffy decorations to our eggs {well, mostly hc…he got a little more creative that me!}.

it was a lovely relaxing night in and i couldn’t have asked for anything more!

via tandeminlove.com

comb yer hair!

via tandeminlove.com

easter egg flair

via tandeminlove.com

i love decorative bowls

via tandeminlove.com

rainbow o fun

via tandeminlove.com

hubby charming at work

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working so diligently on dyeing my eggs

via tandeminlove.com

pretty watercolor paper towels

via tandeminlove.com

ta da!

via tandeminlove.com

my favorite ceramic ‘carton’ from anthropologie

i hope y’all are doing something fun + festive for this easter!  i’ve got baskets made, eggs dyed, + family time planned.  it’s going to be a good one!


easter crafts

hello lovies.  easter is just around the corner!  wow…i felt like lent flew by!  well, with one week left, there’s still plenty of time to get crafty!  get crafty with the kids, get crafty for yourself, get crafty for someone else {homemade items are always the best gifts!}.

so, here are some easter craft ideas you can get started with…

via tandeminlove.com

[flower paper wreath // hello lucky]

via tandeminlove.com

[egg terrarium // the house that lars built]

via tandeminlove.com

[paper masks // oh happy day]

via tandeminlove.com

[fabric easter eggs // purl bee]

via tandeminlove.com

[little peep pal // michaelann made]

via tandeminlove.com

[plastic egg cups // creativity in progress]

via tandeminlove.com

[photo print easter eggs // a subtle revelry]

via tandeminlove.com

[easter bunny garland // minie co]

via tandeminlove.com

[bunny finger puppets // purl bee]

via tandeminlove.com

[decoupaged flower pots // christine chitnis]

via tandeminlove.com

[egg flower pots // better homes and garden]

i can’t wait for easter!  i’ve got cute little baskets hiding up my sleeves for my nephews and gracie.  i’m looking forward to some colorful egg dying {how pretty!} with the hubby.  i’m excited to have brunch with les familles {squared}.  i can’t wait to see my cute little nephew’s faces.  i’m contemplating my bright easter ensemble.  i can’t wait to spend time with my hubby {hurry home!}.  i’m thinking about how i will carry on my lent commitment.  i’m wondering how many peeps, cadbury eggs, sour candies, gummy bears, and peanut butter eggs i will consume.  i’m looking forward to celebrating holy week at st. clement.

phew!  so much to look forward to!  i hope you have many blessings to count and that your upcoming easter is full of love and happiness.  the easter bunny may just drop off baskets of goodies for you, too!

i will take some time this week to reflect on this past lent season.  everyday has been filled with prayerful thoughts and internal guidance.  happy palm sunday!

with that, get out your crafting scissors and get crafty cray y’all!
