double, double toil and trouble

being sick is absolutely no fun.  when hubby charming and moi are sick, it’s double trouble!  we are such a mess.  coughing, tired, and runny noses oh my!  i’ve been going strong for the past week and a half {not one drop of medication} but that sickness bug really bit me in my butt today.  i’m quite resilient when i get ‘sick’ but when i get a fever, all bets are off.  i was down for the count.  shivers, sweats, cold chills over took my body like an alien baby.  ugh, i absolutely hate being sick!



hubby charming

hubby charming

thank you to my hubby charming for taking care of me even when he wasn’t feeling so great either!  he  went to the grocery store, cooked me dinner, AND cleaned up!!  all whilst i snuggled under the blankie trying to calm my fever.  xoxo…love him!

for the love of mr. kagann

farewell mr. kagann.  my beloved 2nd dad.  i remember days of shopping with you, copious amounts of girl scout cookies in the cupboard {gotta love the tagalongs!  i would devour a whole box in a sitting!}, yummy dinners you cooked, helping you with your campaigns, woodridge fairs, and just hanging out.  growing up with carol, in your household, led to many adventures and many, many memories i hold so close to the heart.  you were such a great part of my life and i will always be thankful for all that you did for me.

 being there at the very last moment to be able to say goodbye was surreal, a blur, so clear, overwhelming, unexpected, intense, and complete closure.  i love you and i will miss you so dearly.


r.i.p mr. kagann 2.7.13

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted…” Matthew 5:4

don’t be mundane

sometimes work clothes, for me, can be so mundane.  my utilitarian uniform is your basic black.  for some, it’s their staple color; for me it’s sooooo boring.  i know it’s a classic, stylish choice {i do think black can be so sophisticated} but when it’s a forced everyday option, it can be quite trite versus putting in the effort to be creative.  i try at times but usually fail.  i was particularly loving this shirt.  i don’t wear it often but when i put it on today {i usually don’t wear flow-y type tops}, i was feeling like it was going to be a good day!  throw on an accessory and bam! you’ve got yourself an outfit.


 so, at the end of the day…it was a great day.  thanks to my nifty, flow-y top and necklace.  sometimes, it’s the little things, huh?  you made me feel a bit more chic today, merci.


you’ve got mail

my new cubs hat [yay!!!]

my new cubs hat [yay!!!]

i love getting mail.  whether it’s a letter, card, invite, or the best mail of all…packages!!!  i never use to be an online shopper but this past holiday, i’ve gotten hooked!  i typically love shopping within a store, feeling the merchandise and trying on {so much fun!}.  much to my hubby charming’s dismay, i have been on a roll with the clicker button on ‘place my order’.  honestly, it’s really random stuff i’m buying; shoes, clothes, cupcake liners…

so, i was quite excited to walk up my front door and ta-da, a lovely package waiting for moi!  i eagerly ran upstairs and tore into it.  i was filled with anticipation, knowing it would be the fabulous buy from ebay!  yup, it’s an awesome knit chicago cubs hat!  it’s my new favorite thing!  sometimes it’s just the little things that can put a little twinkle in your eyes.  a little pep in your step.

falling fluffy cotton balls

it’s pretty much has been a snow-free winter here in good ol’ chicago up until this past week!  {whoa, snow}  i must say, though, it’s nothing like the snowpocalypse we had a few years back!  that was cray.

anyhoo, i’m loving my sorels in this weather!  they’re just tough…and i like tough and little fuzzy at the same time.

snow, snow, snow

snow, snow, snow

my valentine

my valentine

i heart oliva

i heart oliva

well, i was super duper excited to be able to host miss olivia at our place.  {hubby charming is away making some dough, so a little company is always welcomed!}  i cooked pasta, we had some wine, and talked non-stop {we loooooooove to talk}.  i just love girl time and catch up time and just about anything time.  she came over with the cutest homemade valentine’s day card *sigh* and homemade cake pops!  what a gal!  it just got me all excited for the holiday!  i’m so sure the little cupid is looking over my shoulder right now 🙂


super bowl sunday = super snack sunday!




to be honest, i’m not into football.  i mean all the technical talk…all the rules [blah].  i love parties, friends, food, beer, wine, fun.  so when this goes hand and hand with football, hells yes!  marina + corey hosted a few friends at their house and cooked up some good snack grub.  and so the mindless eating began!

bowl XLVII // ravens vs. 49ers

 fact: first time ever two brothers coach against each other at the superbowl

fact: the lights went out!  ooooohhhh, somebody got in trouble!

fact:  i ate too much [burp]

cold, cold go away

photo 1photo 2

sooo, cold, cold weather like this in chicago//10 degrees fahrenheit!// makes me want to be somewhere warm + on the beach!  a girl can only dream right now {meh}.  so, next best thing?  reminence on past holidays!  here are some pics of us in miami from 2010…we had just gotten engaged 6 months prior!  we relaxed, slept, explored, ate, sunned, + drank…what a vacay should be about!  well, my only hope is that punxsutawney phil predicted an early spring!  yaaaaayyyy!

work in progress!


helloooo there!  thank you for visiting my blog!  it is currently a work in progress {oy!}.  i’m super excited to to work out the design/format…thank you to my dear, dear friend andrea {my brainiac amie}!  muwah!  please come visit us again for a little love, a little laughter, + a lot of this & that.  happy february!  xo

{photo by kate headley}


thu + rich

here’s a story:


once upon a time,

a little lady named thu met a prince named rich.  she didn’t like him at first.  he was smitten from the start.  a few dates later, the wonderful boy rich soon swept her off her feet. he made her delicious dinners many a date nights, they spent many days together, they laughed together, had fun together, snuggled together, and fell deeply in love.  then one chilly evening, in a far away bookstore, prince rich got down on one knee and asked lady thu if she would do him the honor and forever be his princess bride.  she said YES!  he placed a beautiful, vintage diamond ring on her bitty finger and so the story goes…

this is about us, our love, our life, happy things, maybe sad things {because they happen}, the wonderful people in our lives that help make the world go round. life is truly beautiful and it should be celebrated + shared.

r:  great cook, loves hugs, is a morning person, likes bikes + cars, very kind
t:  meh to cooking, loves to shop, is a night owl, sugarholic, energetic
both enjoy:  walks, chicago, we’re foodies, drinks wine {mostly red} + beer, pj’s, sunshine

i can do everything through Him who gives me strength.  phil 4:13

{photo by kate headley}