hb jesus!

“who can add to christmas? the perfect motive is that God so loved the world.
the perfect gift is that He gave His only Son.
the only requirement is to believe in Him.
the reward of faith is that you shall have everlasting life.”

[corrie ten boom]

via tandeminlove.com

happy birthday jesus, for this day you were born and we were given the best gift of all!

amidst all the gifts, lights, expectations, stress, materialistic items, money, and toys, we tend to forget that this day is about the birth of Christ, our savior! i do love the warmth of love the holiday brings, i love decking the halls, all the edible deliciousness that is gifted to us, the exchange of gifts to one another, the kindness that comes forth from everyone, and the overall holiday cheer that emanates from all around but i humble myself to remember that this day is about our Lord.

*sigh* my favorite time of the year has now come and is almost gone. i hope everyone has had the most wonderful time this holiday season. i definitely did. i am blessed with a beautiful family, friends, and i am loved. i couldn’t ask for anything greater.

merry, merry christmas to all!!!
