rain, rain, go away

it started out as a dreary, cold, rainy morning. bummer. hc and i wanted to go to downtown hinsdale, stroll around, and shop. we drove there and got coffee at the starbucks {first things first!}. we decided to grab some grub and to wait out the icky weather. we stopped into a little mom and pop restaurant called page’s. it was cramped, old, and not the cleanest but hc really wanted to eat there. he can’t pass up a greasy joint evah!

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[olive and i struggling to get a goodie photo in…um, fail?]

so, we plopped down and ordered some greasy food. we actually ordered a lot…but in the end, it just disappeared! how did that happen?? hee. i got eggs over easy, hash browns, bacon, and pancakes. yum. olive got lots and lots of cereal puffs. we ate, olive giggled and screamed, and we filled our empty bellies up.

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after breakfast, we walked back outside and it was raining. boo. we were super bummed because the weather was just not cooperating. it was cold, dreary, and rainy. a bad combo for wanting to walk outside. so, we decided to head on over to oakbrook. there, they have awnings and it’s more protected and easier to shop around. of course, on our way there, the day took a turn and the weather had become super sunny and warm! natch.

we spent the rest of the afternoon there and had a great shopping day! hc got some new things and we browsed around for olive. baby girl needed a new fall wardrobe {new, cozy fall clothes on the horizon}! we had a lovely time walking around and checking out some new, fun stuff.

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lately, i’ve noticed how big olive has gotten {watch out…total mom stuff coming}. i mean, she’s less a baby and more a little girl. oh, it makes me a wee bit sad. very bittersweet. i’ve enjoyed so much of her baby stage but now she is starting to show her independence. i like that she likes to entertain herself and can be on her own, but at the same time it makes me miss her totally dependent baby moments. i love her so much right now. we have such a bond and i’m amazed at how lovey she is. i love her hugs, kisses, and laughter. she is so freakin’ quirky and cute.

for example, the photos below…she was being so cute and funny. she kept swinging her legs back and forth and making funny faces. kids, they are so innocent and sweet. they totally live in the moment with such joy.

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our day ended up being fun {well of course it did}, rainy day or not, we will always have a swell time together! cheers to olive’s cuteness!


simple night

we had a low key, simple night out with the fam. i love moments like these. we can get together, have dinner, hang out, and shop! us gals can really shop. i don’t know how and why. it cannot be explained. were we born with the shopping gene?? yup, i think we were. there is such a thing as a shopping gene, right? some people are born with it and others are not. when you have the shopping gene, you can shop for hours on end. you are able to go to one store, to the next, to the next, and the next without getting bored or exhausted. yes, that is what me and my sister’s have. the unique shopping gene. 😉

well. we started out the evening with a tasty dinner at cpk. we had our usual server, our usual order, and the usual routine. the boys colored and i fed olive her dinner. hc ordered a pizza and i wasn’t super hungry {what?!}, so i ordered a bowl of soup. split pea soup…delicious, add a dash of ground pepper and it totes is a meal!

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[selfie and cpk]

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[chunker cheeks]

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[my love]

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[these two being silly!]

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[pizza! pizza!]

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we actually went shopping before dinner {because there was a wait} and before dinner ended, i ran out to pick up a few things for miss olive at babygap {a fav store of mine for the little missy}. the fam finished up at the restaurant and hc came over to tell me they were headed over to nordstrom. i made my purchases at babygap and we walked our merry way over to nordstrom kid’s shoe department. i could spot them from across the store…all three cuties had their balloon in hand!

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olive was having a great time playing peek a boo with her balloon and reagan. oh, reagan. he is the sweetest with her…always doting on her and being such a great, big cousin to little olive. it is so sweet to watch. as you can see, she was all smiles!

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[peek a boo]

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[weeeeee! weeeeee!]

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after much strolling, shopping, and a whole lotta fun, it was time to go. the usual…get miss olive home and start her nightly routine for bedtime!

having family close is the best thing. easy dinner. easy company. easy shopping partners. God bless my family and yours!


din din at ma soeur

thuy and i decided to head over to our sister kim’s place to have dinner and finally give her the birthday gift we forgot to give her on her birthday 🙂 it was a bit of a cooler evening {signs of fall coming!}, we were on our way to their place and picked up some indian {yum} food along the way. i love naan. obsessed with naan. it’s so good!

once we got there, bennett and reagan were so excited olive was there. right away, bennett started to play with little olive. reagan was soon done with his bath and joined in on the fun. they are so cute together. i love watching them play together. they are so sweet and loving with her. it melts my heart and brings me such joy knowing that they get to grow up together.

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we got down to eating. i was so hungry! there were so many delicious dishes to choose from, i nibbled a little bit of everything. then all my nibbling turned into a very full, overstuffed belly!

after dinner, i asked kim for a sippy cup with a straw. olive has never tried sipping from a straw. yes…it wasn’t at the top of my list of things for her to do. we started to give her water from a bottle several months ago, then we graduated into a sippy cup, but we have never tried a straw. success! she sipped with enough force to draw the water up from the cup!

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[first time sipping from a straw!]

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[she loves her sunnies {i wear my sunglasses at night} and her louis vuitton]

so, we got down to kim opening her gifts. of course the boys helped her! after kim finished up with her presents, she went into her room and came running out with a pair of shoes for olive. they were lovely, little straw sandals with pink flowers on top. we put them on olive and she was not fond of them!! all summer long, i have had her barefoot. she doesn’t walk and it was too warm for her to have anything on her feet. i found the idea of her having shoes to be wasteful. with that, she didn’t like them on her feet and she kept pulling on them to try to get them off her feet!

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[birthday gifts]

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[hmmmm, paper…i love paper]

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[look ma! it’s louis!]

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[like niece, like auntie]

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[olive, do you like auntie kim’s bootie??]

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[oh baby olive was gifted with shoes, from her auntie, as well!]

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[olive standing up on her own!]

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well, it was a very relaxing, very low key night with the fam. we had a great time just hanging out and reveling in baby olive’s antics, as usual!

thanks to r+b, kim and terry for hosting us!


andrea & jamie’s beautiful day

andrea and jamie got hitched!

even though the planning process was quick, their wedding day was a long, anticipated wait! i was so excited this day had come!

hc and i dropped olive off at my parent’s house and we headed into the city. we went in early to set up the venue for them. i was super excited to do so…i love stuff like that! andrea and i had been in close contact during this entire planning process, exchanging ideas and thoughts around the wedding decor. she had decided to go with a map theme. since jamie currently lives in san francisco and andrea lives in chicago, it was fitting for their situation.

i volunteered to be their ‘day of coordinator’! so, with that, hc and i got there to set up her place cards, table signs, sign in table, favor table, and random decor. super easy! i was in contact with the harpist, the photographer, and the manager at the venue. making sure they were on time, able to find the place, get them paid, and making sure things were running in order. it was fun!

i had made the boutonnieres for ollie and jamie. i used feathers, twine, stamens, green twigs, and accented them both with vintage compasses. they turned out soooo stinkin’ cute! unfortunately, i should have hot glued the twine a little more because it unraveled mid way through the day 🙁 i was so sad to hear & absolutely disappointed!! the good news was that they totally got all the pics they needed! phew!

i made their favor sign and provided the paper tassels for their ceremony site. the tassels looked so pretty for the ceremony and looked magical at night during the reception.

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[the ceremony site with the pretty silver, grey, and pink tassels]

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[the welcome table]

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[guest sign in poster with their engagement photos and book]

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[place cards that hc alphabetized and i helped set up]

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[the ‘at last’ banner with the map background]

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[katheryn and me, excited for the ceremony!]

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[me and the beautiful bride]

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[favors with the ‘take me home tonight’ sign]

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via tandeminlove.com[with love from san francisco to chicago // a + j 8.31.14]

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so, it was time. we gathered the guests to the courtyard and had them form a walkway for andrea to walk down. we didn’t plan for the sun to be so strong, so i moved the guests over so jamie, andrea, and johnathan weren’t directly in the sunlight! once all at the guests were in place, i cued the harpist and andrea and ollie walked down the aisle. so perfect!


[here comes the bride!]

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[their friend, johnathan, was the officiant! so awesome]

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[look at ollie! so cute]

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[exchanging of vows and rings]

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[husband and wife!]

once they were married, the party really began! we mingled around the cocktail area a bit more {while the delicious hor d’oeuvres were being served}, before we sat down for dinner. i was so excited for the food! boka has received michelin stars in the past and if the hor d’oeuvres were any indication how the amazing the food was going to be…we were in for a treat!

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[wowza! super bling!]

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[the happy couple]

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[literally chillin’ at the bar]

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[the beautiful ginger and gorgeous nikki flanking my hubs]

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[the lovely sunset during cocktail hour]

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[ginger, me, and nikki]

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[selfie with ginger]

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as the food was being served, in between courses, hc and i were mingling with the other guests. we were having a grand ‘ol time. it was fantastic to be able to visit with everyone and meet new people.

the first course, the heirloom carrots, were amaze. no, seriously delicious. hc was in love. but he does love cooked carrots in general. a fave vege of his. it was a lovely hearty dish that was so flavorful.

my fave…the ricotta gnudi. oh. my. goodness. i could have eaten several plates of that. i loved the bits of corn in it and the sauce was so tasty.

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[heirloom carrots were amaze]

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[grilled spanish octopus]

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[katrine, andrea, and moi]

after the wonderful dinner, the desserts were served {hello! macarons!} and the first dance ensued. so sweet…um, referencing to both! the macarons were decadently sweet and their first dance was sweet {until by swan dive}. perfect combo.

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[any wedding or occasion is not complete without macarons!]

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[first dance]

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[the end]

after that, the dance floor opened up and everyone got groovy on the floor. it was such an awesome time. the wedding venue was beautiful, andrea and jamie are now husband and wife, the food was amazing, and the whole night was absolutely wonderful. we had the most delightful time celebrating their sweet union.

annnnddd, wasn’t boka amazing?? what a great venue for a wedding. it was ethereal, organic, modern, and cozy. such a great pick and find to celebrate their nuptials. the staff was so accommodating and friendly, the food was beyond delicious, and the aesthetics of the restaurant were so lovely.

thank you so much andrea and jamie for letting us be a part of such a beautiful moment in your lives. we feel so blessed to have shared it with you both. many wishes to a marriage filled with love, happiness, charm, and laughter.


wedding luncheon

the time had come. it was andrea and jamie’s wedding weekend!

i was so excited. andrea had a wedding luncheon the day prior to their wedding at cantina laredo. i was looking forward to meeting some of andrea’s close friends, in for the wedding, that don’t live in town.

we felt blessed we were invited to their luncheon and their rehearsal dinner! unfortunately, our weekend was beyond busy and we opted out on the dinner. boo. no, seriously boooooo. if anyone knows me, i don’t like missing out on anything. it is rare for me to decline any events {unless it is beyond my control} and we had to pick and choose our battles this weekend, on what was best for olive. we had events afternoon and evening three days in a row {yowza}, we needed to figure out care for olive and how much time away from her we really wanted to be. so, after much babbling, the rehearsal dinner was on the chopping block. we needed that break but i am still kicking myself for us not going. like i said…i greatly dislike missing any of my friends/family events. life is way too short!

anyhoozle, i packed up olive and to the city we went {hc was golfing with the groom that afternoon while i was lunching with the bride}. i was hoping she would fall asleep…it was just a tad past her nap time when we left. unfortunately, i couldn’t put her down because we had to go, so i crossed my fingers that she would nap in the car. yup, there she went, she closed her eyes and fell asleep but unfortunately (?) the car ride was so short! we cruised to the city and she barely slept. i was hoping she would stay asleep but as soon as i stopped the car & parked, her eyes fluttered open. darn.

we strolled on in and met up with our party. andrea’s sweet mom and brother jason were there. her friend nikki had her four kids with her and there was ollie, as well! so, little olive had some buddies to hang with.

her friends from college were there, claire {who coordinated the lunch}, jean, and megan. i sat by the ladies and chatted it up with them. it was great to get to know them better, i was glad to have met some of andrea’s closest girlfriends.

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[i love her hair…it’s so precious]

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[poor olive…the kids loved her so but were so aggressive with her // mia, ollie, olive, conner, chase, and camden]

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[andrea and nikki]

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[super bling!!! andrea’s huge rock]

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[i love the look on chase’s face. who loooooved olive, although olive wasn’t loving being in andrea’s arms]

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there were plenty of chips and salsa to devour. i was so hungry! i had such a busy morning with olive, that i didn’t eat breakfast and i always eat breakfast! i looked over the menu and zero’d in on the crab cake eggs benedict. oh yeah! the libations were free flowing on the table and i kept olive preoccupied with her snacks.

it was too cute. i brought olive over to the kids so she could hang out. um, they mauled her! they were loving her so much it scared her a bit! the kids were petting her hair, brushing her arms, pulling on her legs, smacking her cheeks, she was so overwhelmed! poor babes! i then had to pick her up for a bit to calm her down.

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[crab cake benedict]

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nikki’s son chase was crazy about olive. i mean crazy in love. he was soooo beyond sweet and loving towards her. he wanted to feed her the cereal snacks and he couldn’t stop gushing about how cute she was. he stayed by her side for the rest of the luncheon. he was so adorbs with her!

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[chase loved feeding olive]

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[megan, claire, jean, andrea, olive, me, and nikki]

after a relaxing lovely lunch, we trekked across the street to the palomar hotel and hung out by the pool for the rest of the afternoon. it was a perfect ending to a wonderful afternoon.

i was so honored to have joined andrea and her friends and family at this afternoon event. i love weddings…it brings everyone together and builds the most wonderful bonds! i am thankful to be able to experience such great moments in my life!


sista kim’s bday brunch

it was my sister kim’s birthday! yay!

we had made plans to celebrate it at summer house santa monica. thuy headed over to our house, then we were going to kim’s place {where lan was meeting all of us} and then we finally took off to the restaurant from there! phew!

we finally arrived at our destination, after a few loop holes in travel. it was bustling inside…it was a lovely, warm day to be out. we were seated right away and got down to chatting. our subjects were so various, a lot of funny topics were discussed! of course, if you get a bunch of ladies together, conversations can get real and hairy 😉

we perused the menu…everything looked delicious but cocktails were in order! kim asked for a mimosa, thuy ordered the cucumber cooler, and i requested the malibu cooler.

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[summer house]

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[malibu and  cucumber cooler]

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[birthday gal!]

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[cheers to the birthday girl!]

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the server suggested for us to order the calamari as an appetizer, she swore it was fantastic. we were sold! out came the dish and is was deeeelicious! we noshed it down. we probably could have eaten two plates of that…so tasty!

we then put in our order, i wanted the egg sandwich with bacon. mmmmm {super healthy}. when my entree came, it came with a salad. helloooo. salad?? no thank you. i had asked for fries. yum yum. the server apologized and brought out a huge plate of fries…score!

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[amaze spicy calamari]

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[my egg sandwich]

after lunch, we walked around for a bit on armitage and then decided to hit downtown instead. thuy so graciously drove that day, so dt we went. we parked in our usual spot {bloomies} and started shopping. we hit our typical stores and did a lot of perusing. it was a perfect day to be out and about town.

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[cruising armitage]

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[the barbour store]

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after mucho looking around, we were tired {ha! at least i was!}! it was time to go home. it was a fantastic day of great food, celebrating kim, shopping, and relaxing.

happy birthday day to my dear sister kim. i couldn’t be happier to celebrate the day your beautiful self came into this world! cheers to mom and dad creating you!


lp field trip

it was a beautiful day and we were on our way to lincoln park to meet up with ande! it was quite a late start for miss o. she woke up quite early but fell asleep, again, for another three hours! so the babes was up by 9am…the latest, evah! she hit a record the other day by sleeping until 8:40am but this was the winner.

so i knew she would take a little nap on our way to the city. and nap she did! we got there in a jiffy, so it was quick cat nap for her but nonetheless, a solid nap is a solid nap. we popped into kiehl’s and ande was right there!

we said our hello’s and skadaddled to a place called blue door. a farm to table restaurant. it was busy. it’s the kind of place where you order your food first and then find a table. it was quite crowded, so we ordered and waited on their bench. our food was ready but we were still waiting for a table. there was no seat to be given up anytime soon, so we decided to take it to go. the staff felt bad that we were leaving but we were in a time crunch and hungry!

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[olive letting ande hold her for a sec 🙂 ]

ande’s store has a back patio, which was great! we sat outside in peace and quiet and ate our food, gabbed non stop, and olive was a happy camper. we had so much fun catching up. lots to talk about…ande and i have been on a life long journey together {well, we have known each other…maybe 7 years} but we have had parallel life wants and happenings that seem to coincide with each other. we couldn’t seem to keep on the same subject! we had so much to talk about we jumped around and around cause one topic led to another!

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[me smiling]

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[olive smiling…and me with a mouthful of food]

after an hour or so, we headed back through the alley and back up armitage to the store. we spent some time inside talking with matt and ande. ande is so darn cute with olive! she just adores o. God bless her for trying to hold olive several times. sometimes she let her, sometimes she didn’t. oh, olive is so fickle. 😉

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[olive low five-ing matt]

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[me and my girls!]

it was getting close to olive taking another nap, so i decided to leave. that gave the babes time to sleep in the car, on the way home. i’m a stickler for keeping her on a schedule. hey, most of the time it happens but sometimes outside forces don’t keep us on track. but this time, we were on track…hehe.

so on our way we went. it was a perfect day with with a wonderful friend. olive and i had a lovely time visiting. i love days like that!


dana day

dana and i are finally rolling along in seeing each other. we planned a date together and decided to go to 2sparrows in lincoln park for brunch. we were all gung ho on trying something new. dana suggested our old stomping ground in wrigleyville but we both wanted to eat somewhere new. so i mentioned 2sparrows. we were game.

today was the first day, since olive appeared, i actually didn’t have her {besides the day we moved in and my parents took her for a few hours while i cleaned our dirty fridge & one night for my sister’s bday}. so, it was a different routine for me.

i was on my way to chicago {oh rain, how it annoys me when you come down, how awfully slow people drive} and it took me a bit longer than usual speed to get to my destination. on my way there, dana was already in the area {buying treats for rosie}, she was on her way to the restaurant to grab us a table. she then text me that the place was closed! it was under construction! whaaaa? so annoying! it was only closed for the next few days. can you believe we were all about trying a new place and, of course, it was closed?!

so, there ya go. we went back to our old stomping ground. southport grocery. don’t get me wrong. we love that place but we always go there, we really wanted to try something new, but i think it was a sign that we needed to not leave our favorite place.

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[artwork for sale]

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[decisions, decisions, decisions]

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so, we ordered the usual and dana caught me up with all her latest happenings. she just came back from israel {a jnfuture trip to support and sustain better living for jews}, she spent the entire weekend at lolla, and all the extra life stuff i need her to fill me in on!

we can sit there and talk and talk and eat and eat and before you know it, our plates are empty. that could be a problem. i was soooo full! my stomach hurt, yeahhh, like unpleasantly full! but it was so good going down!

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[the southern…kicked my ass]

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[dana’s usual: hash with ketchup and hot sauce]

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[grocery shelves]

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[i fell in love with this packaging]

after brunch, dana bought some of their famous vanilla cupcakes to go {for her and her guy} and we went shopping. we hit anthro, francesca’s, and paper source. some of our favorite shops. i try so hard to refrain from buying stuff for myself…actually, i get so much more joy buying cute stuff for olive than anything for myself right now! so, it’s what empowers me to channel my moolah elsewhere. 🙂

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[anthropologie shopping]

after chillin’ for a bit, we called it an afternoon. i headed on my way home to pick up my little babes at the p’s. it was, as usual, a lovely brunch and time spent with my dear dana. muwah!


bennett’s 5th bday!

my sisters and i teamed up together and threw b his fifth birthday party!

wow, i can’t believe it’s been five years since this little guy was born into this world to brighten our lives! my how time flies! b is so sweet and playful and thoughtful. i love his curious questions and backward hugs. we couldn’t wait to celebrate his special day!

kim and thuy had been planning it for some time. they accumulated party paraphernalia throughout the month and slowly came up with some really cute party ideas. b wanted a construction party and, boy, did he get one!

the day before the party, kim, thuy, and i got together to prep and plan for the fete. we organized, fluffed, stickered, and unwrapped everything. there was so much to get done! we worked into the wee hours of the night to prep as much as we could.

the next day was game time. everyone worked really hard to put the party space together. hc set up all the tables, kim and thuy worked on the decor. terry picked up the food. slowly but surely, the party came together and it all looked so stinkin’ cute!

before the guests arrived…hc and i wanted to present little b with one of his birthday presents. hc worked really hard on it and we were really excited to give it to bennett! hc pulled it out to the backyard and we had b walk out to it. it was a success! he loved it! his own little wooden dump truck…so cool. hc is the greatest uncle evah!

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[the boys in their matching shirts]

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[the birthday day boy going out to see his surprise gift from uncle rich]

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[his handmade dump truck from uncle rich!]

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[birthday boy and uncle rich]

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[the p’s and the hostess with the mostess]

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[home depot aprons/favor ‘bags’]

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[yellow and black poms]

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[truck piñata]

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[favor table]

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[the boys and the truck]

it was party time and the guests started to arrive. there were plenty of libations for everyone and little popcorn snacks to munch on. as the guests strolled in, if hc could, he would grab them for a house tour!

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[auntie lynne and cousin patrick]

we had craft tables for the kids. where they could draw, color, and build structures with popsicle sticks. it was quite a hit with the creative little ones.

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[the craft and arts table]

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[grace being the best cousin ever and pushing b around in the truck!]

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[jana, sonny, angel, tricia, thuy, and olive]

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[me and my awesome brother dan]

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[avery and lan]

the first game of the party…pin the flag on the construction bennett! the kids excitedly lined up, we blind folded them one at a time, and they gingerly walked towards the poster to pin their flag! it was so amusing to watch them, they tried so hard and i know some of them were peeking out from under that kerchief! ha!

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[pin the flag on the construction bennett]

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after some games {there were hula hoops, golfing, and crafting going on}, we went inside to prep the food for everyone. kim and terry ordered from uncle bub’s {pulled pork, coleslaw, and mac n cheese} and my mom whipped up some of her specialty dishes {a vegetable noodle dish and egg rolls}, we cooked up some hot dogs for the kiddies and we were set to go!

everyone slowly made their way in to grab some grub. we all sat down outside {a warm but humid day} and enjoyed our meals.

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[auntie thuy and olive]

after eating, we decided to take down the piñata! the kids got so jubilant when we called it out. they lined up and one by one, were blind folded, spun around, and wildly aimed and swung at the piñata. oh these kiddies! no one was making a true dent on that poor truck. so, they all took turns again and finally the piñata busted down! the kids dove for the candy! it was so funny to watch, they filled their little home depot aprons up with their treasures.

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[piñata time!]

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[it took many tries but the piñata finally broke!]

i went inside to serve the birthday cake! i had fashioned it with a bunting, dump truck, and ‘dirt” {kim’s idea find!}, we lit his candle and presented him with the decadent concoction. we sang happy birthday and served the delicious cake…we also had lan’s amazing paintbrush rice krispy treats and lynne’s yummy m&m cookies, sooooo good!

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[party napkins]

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[rice krispy paint brushes by lan!!!]

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[chocolate dump truck birthday cake!]

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[love, love the cake!]

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[jana and gary’s adorb kids]

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[helen and baby olive]

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[happy 5th birthday bennett!]

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[singing happy birthday!]

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[reagan and sam]

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[the boys being silly!]

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[gabrielle and helen]

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[kevin and lisa]

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[my two loves]

the party started to wind down and people were slowly trickling out. as the night enveloped us, bennett wanted some of his favorite songs to be played, one of them being gangnan style. i was inside cleaning up when i walked out back to the dance party! it was hilarious! grace and i became the back up dancers while bennett danced and lip-synced to the words. it was toooo cute and fun!

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[bennett dancing to gangnam style with his back up dancers…lol]

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[the party winding down in our living room…p.j’s were on! well, at least on olive]

after i quickly cleaned up the place {i’m quite the quick professional cleaner}, i bathed olive and got her ready for bed. the guests were gone and our family lingered behind. the cousins all gathered in the living room to relax with their favor loot and hang out together.

it was quite the successful evening. a fun, cool party, awesome decor, tasty food & drinks, amazing friends and family, and some really good, fun memories created! we throughly enjoyed hosting the party, it was a spectacular time!


liv and aaron

olivia and aaron stopped by to 1. aaron hasn’t seen our house yet 2. to check out the updates we have made 3. and to see each other…it’s been awhile!

we were excited to have them over. they arrived in the early evening. when they got here, we took them on the tour {although olivia has been through it already}. they also brought their dog, bruce…he’s such a cutie! we started outside, of course, hc had to show off the garages to aaron first! we wrapped up the tour inside and we were ready to eat! i was so hungry!

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[lol…olive is so skeptical]

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[me and bruce]

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[bruce doing his business]

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[olive was loving olivia]

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[getting the tour]

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[best friends]

hc and i decided to keep it low key, since we had a lot going on, so we ordered in for dinner. chinese anyone?! yum. soooo healthy 😉

we hung out, caught up, olivia became olive’s best friend, and bruce was the curious dog. i loved that olive was loving olivia. they played together all night. she’s getting a little better and better with others…hopefully i’m not typing this out too early 😉

we are super happy olivia and aaron are back in chicago. they moved to florida for a year {last year} but missed us all too much 😉 and had to come back.

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[my girl!]

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[bruce relaxing]

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[playing together]

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[having fun]

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[holding the kids]

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i love these two. it was great having them over. we had a lovely evening hanging out with them and bruce! thanks for stopping by, we will be by your new place in chicago soon!
