engagement gift

i am soooooooooooo excited for my dear friend dana’s recent engagement! like so psyched for them. goosebumps, tears, joy, elation is what i felt when she told me…i was like damn, way to go scott! heehee!

of course, this calls for a celebration {indeed!}. i whipped together an engagement gift basket for the lovely dana. we already had plans to see one another, so it was fitting to present her with a fun arrangement of goodies!

i purchased a pretty, little wooden basket {about 15″x8″ in size} from a craft store {it fits everything down below perfectly}, filled the bottom of the basket with some dunnage to perfectly arrange the gifts inside and keep them a bit elevated so the items don’t drown behind the basket’s walls. ta da! a gorgeous little engagement gift for your friend!

via tandeminlove.com

1. first things first…wedding magazines! a must for a newly engaged fille and duh, of course one of them has to be martha stewart!

2. what’s a joyous occasion without some bubbly?! veuve clicquot is my favorite champagne. cheers!

3. a crystal ring holder is a must for any engaged gal!

4. a lady has to keep her tips in top shape at all times with a bling, bling ring adornment! i love essie nail polish.

5. i love this wedding planner. it’s compact, simple, and a perfect go to for all the info you need to plan a fabulous wedding!

6. yes, that was pretty much my reaction when dana called me and told me that she just got engaged! a fitting card, i must say.

7. mexican wedding cookies…honestly, they are my favorite kind of cookies but i know dana would like them too. i just couldn’t find jewish wedding cookies…hahahaha!

8. anthropology initial mugs. need i say more?! dana and scott…two love birds who will forever think of me as they drink their morning coffee together. buwahahaha!

well, there you go lovies! a fun little basket to give your newly engaged friend. i hope this has inspired you with some fun ideas to create your own personalized gift for your bestie! i can’t wait to gift this to my girl {bling, bling she got the ring!}!
