i’m a bit obsessed with baby moccasins. yes. yes i am. i am loving those cute little shoes for miss olive. i’ve seen a few brands around {some that are really expensive!} and have fallen in love with these cute, little, sweet shoes for miss olive.
they are from this etsy seller, stitches and soles. they are well made, constructed, and sturdy. i am in love with them! they come in so many different colors and she makes them with hidden elastic sides, so it’s easy to put on and take off. plus, they stay on her feet {even when the little bugger tugs and tugs at her toes}! bonus. that’s why i love them so much!
i have already complied a list of colors to purchase for olive. a girl’s gotta have a slew of choices to match her wardrobe! natch. the leather is buttery soft and the platinum color goes with everything. it also comes with the cutest little muslin bag to store it in.
our first run with the shoes was a trip to ikea to pick up some knick knacks. hc was like…”what are those?!” i said, “her new shoes!”. he was not impressed. psh. men…what do they know about baby style?
anyhoozle, as we were cruising around the store, olive received plenty of compliments on her awesome shoes. customers were loving her and loving her fun shoes. hmph. that showed hc up! ha! he knows better than to question mine or olive’s choice in fashion {she’s a fashionista in training}! snap. 😉
[a shopping trip to ikea…the other consumers would compliment her on her ‘fancy’ shoes. olive was like “yeah, i know”]
so, these are my current obsession. i am soooo loving these chic little moccasins for our baby girl. such a cute addition to any outfit she sports! yay!
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