bump status

timeline of the bump.

via tandeminlove.com

[photo by hc]

how far along?  38 weeks!  only a few more weeks!  eeekkkk!  she’s ready to go anytime soon!  i said to hc…this could be my last post…kinda sad!  we’ll see if i make it to the 40 week post!

weight gain: 35lbs.  it’s so cray to think i’ve gained that much weight!  well, at least it’s more gradual than the pounds i was packing on before!

maternity clothes?   the same mix, the usual and so near the end!  wow!  i’m so glad i was able to just wear all my regular gear…it felt more like me.  it was so hard to be sold on the maternity wear!  i didn’t love anything {the fashions are just sooo…maternity!} or i had a hard time justifying the money spent on it.

sleep:  pretty restful although i find that if i have the opportunity to sleep in, i don’t!  i pop awake and that is it.  i use to sleep, sleep the morning away but not so much the case now.  i usually can fall asleep just fine but sometimes when i wake up, it feels like she’s punching my stomach {she’s heavy and the pressure she puts on my stomach is yucky}!  ugh!  it makes me feel nausea and absolutely uncomfortable, sometimes painful.  it feels like someone punched me in my stomach and i need to kneel over to subside the pain.

physical state:  i was just on a staycation, so i was feeling great!  i am still tired {it’s a little frustrating} but take out the work factor and it’s so much better!  i’m a little nervous to go back because i’m afraid it will be very exhausting!!!  i’m slow and i seriously do waddle now :p  i struggle getting in and out of the car, in and out of the bed, sitting upright…oh you know, the usual pregger afflictions.

miss anything?  yes, a good glass of wine.  i know you can have almost anything ‘forbidden’ in moderation but i prefer not to.

baby movement:  she’s so strong!  and it’s so cute to feel her little feet and itty bitty hand movements.  i always feel the heels of her feet against my skin and her hands rubbing around by her face!  some of her movements can be quite uncomfortable {the rib kicks and the pressure at the bottom of my uterus}, otherwise it’s fun to feel her movements inside my belly.  i tease her and try to grab her feet when she’s so active.

food cravings:  soups {all kinds}, bagel and cream cheese, cronuts, and of course, lots and lots of fruit.

bump status:  big.  did i say big?  yes, big.  and now peeps are not asking me when i’m due but rephrased to “are you due soon?!”.  yup, she is big and ready to go.

gender reveal:  it’s a girl!  we love her and can’t wait to see her!  come meet us soon baby girl!

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