mother’s day has come and gone, and we seriously had the best time ever!
our mother’s day gifts were little onesie! Signifying for them that they were going to soon have a new grandchild addition to the family!
the day before, i went to the t-shirt deli {in bucktown} to have personalized onesies made for each set of grandparents! one set in vietnamese {for my parent’s…duh!} and the one set in english. it truly turned out adorbs!
[t-shirt deli goods]
on mother’s day morning, we set out to attend the 9:30 mass. it was a beautiful service and a beautiful day!
we headed up north, to argyle, to meet my family at hai yen restaurant for lunch {it was also my lovely mother’s birthday!}. after much comical bickering over the menu, we finally decided on our entrees {phew}!
so, after getting our order in, it was the right time to have my mom open up her gift {really it’s, obviously, for both of them!}. my mom was struggling, more confused by the gift itself. therefore, my dad started helping her but he was fumbling a bit as well, so i intervened and ripped open the package {notice the lack of patience on my part!}. my dad picked up the onesie and knew right away what it was. he finally showed my mom and she freaked out! they were so happy! my dad’s face, who shows little emotion, lit up and turned red from excitement! my mom teared up and both of them gave us hugs. everyone was so excited! another addition to our family!
[hmm, what’s this?]
[i love the looks on their faces!]
[little vietnamese onesie]
[bun rieu]
[auntie kim]
after lunch, we walked the streets and went shopping. my mom went to town at the local vietnamese market. r really wanted a lucky cat. b begged for a broom. it was cute! we sashayed our way over ba le to pick up some banh mi’s {vietnamese sandwiches…i love them!}. we bought little treats, drinks, delicious macarons…so many yummy tidbits!
[having fun in front of the frozen fish at the market]
[r relaxing on his mini chair and stool]
[the cuties and their momma]
after shopping, we headed to the garden center in andersonville. we perused the gorgeous flowers and plants. shopped the knick knacks inside their little shop and had the kids play around the garden furniture and outdoor fountains.
we finally retired and headed back to our apartment to get some stuff done before we went on our next journey, to missy’s house for a mother’s day dinner with the heintz’s.
at missy’s we rested and relaxed as john prepared our dinner from the grill. it was time to eat {i couldn’t wait until we opened presents!}; burgers, fries, and a yummy salad {prepared by missy}.
[cute packaging]
after our meal, dessert was served {cheesecake – so delish, fruit cobbler, and cookies} and it was time to open presents! i was so excited. missy opened a few of hers, jane gave us each a gift, and it was time for her to open our gift. john was really digging the packaging {it’s a doggie bag…how could you not love it?!}. so, i prepped the gift {explaining what the t-shirt deli is about} and as she opened it, she looked over all the details {inside, i was shouting “open the wrapped package!!”}. she finally got to the package, she opened it up and started screaming! she said, “you are pregnant!”. i was then attacked with hugs! it was so awesome! such a great moment! of course she cried!
[action shots // precious!]
[showing off the onesie]
lots o’ hugs given all around, lots of tears of joy, and lots of very happy people around us. all in all, it was a pretty awesome mother’s day/mom’s birthday! yay!