we were so looking forward to this day ~ april 23, 2016. read on to find out why.
{the day i found out our friend ande had cancer, it was like a punch in the stomach.}
i met ande years ago. i think it was around 10+ years since we first encountered one another? she was a store manager at a retail shop inside the watertower building on michigan avenue. i loved her store. i constantly shopped there. we eventually became close friends and started hanging out. we would go to each other’s parties, events, have brunches, and dinners together. whenever any one of us had a special occasion to celebrate, we would always be there for each other!
we developed a fun relationship over the years. the kind where you meet up every few months to say hello and catch up. ande eventually switched to another store in lincoln park and that became our new stomping ground. especially on a warm summer day…i loved visiting her at her store and usually, we would head out for a quick lunch date to catch up.
when i found out ande had cancer, i contacted her immediately. i wanted to let her know i was there for her if she needed anything and i was curious on many levels. throughout this ordeal…ande was the strongest person. i was amazed by her positive attitude, strength, love, and courage.
when a person is told they have cancer…their attitude can go two ways. one way can be self pity, negativity, and helplessness or it can go towards a powerful, positive, winning outlook. ande’s attitude took on the latter description. she amazed me. she inspired me. how can a person who is battling such an awful situation be so encouraging to others??!!! ande claims it was because everyone around her was so loving, supportive, and uplifted her in the most soulful ways that there was no way her spirit could go south. even during her most tough moments, there was always someone around who would lift her up and that was how she carried on and didn’t let cancer win!
fast forward many months, through many chemo treatments, and many trying days – ande received news that she beat cancer! oh my goodness!!! i was so beyond elated!
ande had told me in december {when we met up for a holiday dinner} that i needed to save the date. she said for me to mark on my calendar that april 23 would be her cancer free party. no if’s and’s or but’s about it. so i did. i saved the date for her celebration and on this day…celebrate we did!!
you are an amazing person ande. words can’t describe what an incredible human being you are! i am so fortunate to know you and to call you my friend. thank you for being you. we love you to bits! we believe in the power of love!
[logan theatre greeting]
[how horrible is this pic?? i seriously though i took a good picture. hahaha]
[we ate theatre food…]
[some of favorite peeps]
[the cutest little girls at the party walked around and handed out these yummy candy favors]
[loved these cute, handmade candle favors for everyone!]
[loved this little polaroid of us! it was for the guest book…so sad we couldn’t take it home.]
[giving such a heartfelt, tearful speech]
[can you spot me and rich?!]