i remember june. warm days. rain. brunch dates. photo sessions. sweet time with olive. family time. a whole lotta goodness.
some of the highlights: cubs family day. we had such a blast going to that! we love the cubbies. it was fantastic to explore wrigley field and not just experience it from the seats! we were so happy to have attended the gay pride parade in chicago…especially since marriage equality became a federal law! woot! woot! we enjoyed many get together’s with friends and outings with the family. life is good. it’s summer y’all! woo!
june’s weather was interesting. not too warm and at times, too rainy and cool. but honestly, i will take it over the cold. i do love winter but nothing beats summer and the long sunny days. ahhhhhhhh.
of course, there were so many precious moments with olive. she’s so amazing and i enjoy every moment with her. i’m such a sap…i cherish, cherish, cherish every second i have with her. i soak in every hug, kiss, and sweet smile she gives. i savor every word. every look. every quirky action. my heart breaks every time with sadness and happiness because i never, ever want her to not need me. i look into her eyes and hope that she becomes solid, strong, powerful, and finds happiness in life. the love is so overpowering and my purpose in life is so intense with this little one in it. the circle of life is pure awe!
anyhoo, please enjoy our june’s snapshots! muwah!
[she loves crawling into our just made bed…]
[dorito eating babes // i’d like to add that she was under hc’s care at this moment]
[kt and me]
[hi morning bedhead]
[sprinkle doughnut anyone?]
[holding bunny’s hand]
[starbucks mini]
[i love this pic…jodi’s face and olive’s face…]
[cubs family day]
[mmmmm ice cream at auntie kim’s]