stop talking dana!

oh, me + dana.  we are such a funny bunch {if i do say so myself}.

i text her late last night asking her on when and where we were going to meet for brunch {late as in 3am}.  amaaazzzingly, she text me back!  whaaaaa?  dana awake at 3am?!  i figured she was at work late but no matter.  we decided that we were going to enjoy an eating fest at southport grocery.  we had two previous failed attempts {long stories}.

anyhoo, i got up and, again, was surprised dana still hadn’t text me!  it was almost noon {snicker}.  i started getting ready when the sleepy head threw me a text stating that she was getting up {rare for this typical early bird}.  well, the cloud or different planets we were living on this morning {or afternoon if you prefer} caused us to completely miscommunicate!

i’m on my way down ashland, driving along the road listening to some happy tunes when i finally get to my destination.  i parked, walked into the restaurant and got seated.  i text dana that i was there, in back {as in back of the restaurant}.  she texts me, ‘on my way down’.  she then calls me, i pick up the phone and she asks me, “where are you?”.  which i thought was an odd question!  i looked up at the front of the restaurant and i said, “in back of the restaurant!”.  dana had thought that i was going to pick her up!!!  omg, i immediately felt bad {why?  because i seriously do pass her place on my way to the restaurant and could have easily picked her up!  duh!  i should have!}.  she was like ‘no, no…i’m on my way!’.  i really did feel bad, it would have made sense!

a few minutes later {she doesn’t live far}, she arrived at southport and we had a good laugh about it!  we were so thinking different things and totally in our own worlds, not really realizing our communication got totally mixed up!

we ordered a plethora amount of food.  it was hard to streamline our greedy tummies!  dana ordered the bread pudding pancakes and hash and i ordered the baked almond oatmeal with a side of bacon.  lots of juice, lots of coffee, and lots of water.

in the midst of consuming our delicious meal, i tried taking a picture of ms. dana. ugh, she’s a horrible picture poser!  it’s a known fact that this little lady will most likely take a crazy looking photo.  i sometimes have to style her.  i will have to give her directions on what to do.  i have to remind her to not close her eyes.  well, today, i was determine to take a ‘good’ photo of her!  i finally realized one of the reasons she photographs so cray cray is the fact that she doesn’t stop talking!!!  i screamed {well, firmly stated} at her to stop talking and she might actually take a good picture.  that worked.

waiting for dana, note empty chair.

waiting for dana, note empty chair.

more liquids.

more liquids.

hi pretty.

hi pretty.

laughing at the fact that it's awkward for dana

laughing at the fact that it’s awkward for dana

after our late lunch, dana had plans to spend an hour jumping on a trampoline {yes, you read that correctly} and i had plans to do more errands {yaaaayyyy!}.

overall, a successful day.  i feel complete.  thank you checklist for getting checked off.  muwah.

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