oh my goodness…november has come and gone. it’s been such a whirlwind month. like seriously cray. i planned like a mad women for olive’s first birthday party, we had thanksgiving, olive had her first visit with santa, and we had a lot of fun times in between with friends and family.
november was so much fun! i had the best time getting ready for olive’s birthday {okaaayy, i was a bit stressed for some of it!}. i spent most of the month {and prior months!}, scheming up ideas and putting together the decor for her party. hosting the event at our house was definitely the highlight of my month!
olive learning how to walk was, seriously, the best moment evah! i was delirious with excitement and joy. her tyrannosaurus rex walking style is so stinkin’ cute…the way she tucks and curls her arms up and wobbles all over the place is so adorbs, i could eat her up!
of course, all the times i spent with my family {doing fun festive stuff} and friends is always awesome. there were plenty of moments where i met up with friends for brunches, chilled with the fam, and spent oodles of time with miss olive!
[first time with santa!]
[olive’s first birthday cake]
[mama is still sleeping]
[olive’s first birthday party]
[auntie kim]
[being silly]
[brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?]
[helping momma put together some christmas lights]
[run run run run runaway]
[how does it taste?]
[matchy black and white]
[baby cheeks]
[cookie favors]
[silly gal]
[i pose, therefore i am]
[first birthday cake]
[bunny blankie]
[little goat]
[chubby cheeks]
[chocolate cupcakes!]
[she loves to put anything in her mouth and let it hang there like a cigar]
[learning how to blow her nose]
[being a super, super fussy gal]
well, that’s a wrap up of november! a lot of olive cuteness and a bit of other things. 😉 i can’t wait to share with y’all some jolly ol’ december goodness!