it’s that time of year when the world falls in love
every song you hear seems to say “merry christmas, may your new year dreams come true”!!!!!!
we are the decorate after thanksgiving kind of folks. always have been, most likely will always be. olive’s birthday is so close to thanksgiving and we love celebrating thanksgiving as well, it just makes sense to us to blow up the house in christmas decor come end of november.
we do our usual…break out the adult drinks, blast christmas music, and drag alllllll our boxes down to sort through. this year, i completely edited my stuff and realized that i have outgrown some decor and desired some new pieces.
i love clean, simple things. so naturally i try not to overkill decking the halls but i love to make an impact within each room. i always end up trying to add more but naturally subtract to streamline each area.
this year i am feeling quite content with our set up and of course, the girls loooooooove it. i love their sweet little voices when they sort through all the ornaments. i love their bright eyes when they see something they like or find fun. i love hearing their giggles when they experience joy in decorating.
there’s so much more i wasn’t able to capture but enjoy the pics! christmas is almost here and we couldn’t be more excited although, i only wish it could be hot cocoa, snow, fireplace, snuggling, twinkling lights, parties always…basically christmas season forever!
[my sweet girl]
[these two melt my heart]
[christmas jammies]
[ohhhhhh and ahhhhh’ing over the ornaments!]
[hanging the ornaments]
[this girl…i love her so much!]
[every year, we take a photo like this…i’m not sure how much longer dada can lift her. LOL]
[every year and it doesn’t get old]
[who doesn’t love bottle brush trees?]
[anthropologie and rifle paper co are my best friends]
[our new shelves in the kitchen are getting their fair share of changes]
[i bought these ceramic houses on super sale at target two years ago and i am finally breaking them out]
[ellie’s room]
[obsessed with rifle paper co and antro collaboration. i actually ended up moving this pillow to her arm chair in the room and kept what you see below, on her bed]
[peppermint hot cocoa]