we did our annual holiday trip to macy’s on state this past weekend! we did our usual routine of eating up on the 7th floor, shopping for ornaments, and just shopping around the store.
we love to buy ornaments from here every year, grab a little candy from the shop downstairs, and just take in the hustle and bustle of the season. dan, agata, kim, terry, the boys, thuy, mom and dad came out this year. we stayed at the department store for several hours and then headed home to our house to decorate gingerbread houses! before we left, we were able to admire one of their animated windows at macy’s. olive was so enamored with all the trumpets and christmas lights and wonderment all around her! her and ellie were so amazed as we walked the streets!
once home, we tidied up a bit and then kim and fam and agata and dan came over. kim brought over wine, cheese, and paté to nibble on. the boys brought food over to the house and the kids ate dinner. we had ordered pizza for everyone else and once all the consuming of food was done, we set up the gingerbread houses for the kiddos!
the kids had a blast! olive looooooved decorating her house. she was so excited and looking forward to it for days! olive did such a great job decorating her house – she didn’t even get frosting on her fingers! a big thank you to dan for being her structural engineer and making sure her roof didn’t fall down. thanks for holding the house together while olive decorated around you!
overall it was a great, fun festive day with the family! i love being able to spend the time with them during the busiest season of the year. that is what matters most during this crazy month! we soaked in the holiday mood and created some good memories together.
[she’s so funny]
[hey grace! i’m only going to take a pic of you while you’re eating. oops]
[olive is so silly!]
[she loooooooved riding the escalators!]
[picking out candy]
[olive’s stash]
[my sweet girls]
[ready to assemble her house!]
[all the goodies to decorate with]
[the cutest cousins]
[olive’s house]
[reagan’s house]
[putting on her adornments]
[reagan’s house looking good!]
[olive was sooooo dang careful with her decor and she didn’t even get frosting on her fingers!]
[reagan and his masterpiece]
[she did such a great job!!]